Saturday, June 30, 2007


leo likes me to send him some new photos every week or so, which while being a nuisance at times when im not out anywhere photo-taking suitable is also quite good in that i believe my overdone self-shots are improving. haha. that's my opinion anyway. lol.
i think maybe its the eyelashes, but i particularly like this photo which i only discovered today when i was sorting through folders. took it maybe 3 weeks ago i think. unlike most other photos i think this one needs to be viewed at a big size to look good.

this was another one from the same day obviously. ohh btw how cool are the earrings, i never wear big long chandellier earrings but these ones were from betty in yr 12 and they are really gorgeous. i should wear them more i think.

haha, while we're at it lets pout some more. pouts are so ridiculous, cos they just dont occur so dramatised in real life! haha, just realised, pouting provides instant cheek bones! lol

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