Saturday, June 02, 2007


the night started off for me with some very important accessory decision-making. after um-ing and ah-ing over whether to wear a black cardi or a pink coat, i opted for an all black outfit, and then after not too long i decided on my red chinese bag which hasn't been out for a long long time!

it was looking quite cute but a little lonely in my black dominated outfit. but then! i remembered some other shoes lying about unloved (well, not unloved, as i do love them, but not often worn) in my wardrobe.

my red qipao dress slippers! they do look cool, but alas my feet are too big, not small and dainty. :-( but my skin looks quite white in comparison to the red, no pink tinge, and that's good! hate pink skin.

kate drove us (sarah, daniel and i) into the city, an exciting trip, livened up with some latino latino music, hehe. double thumbs up. lol, and then we met cathy at Scarlett bar for about half an hour before going to have korean for tea.

cathy discovered the restaurant (most likely from her frequent visits to the Scarlett bar) and she's doing quite a good job advertising the restaurant's business card.

hah! i can do it too, look!

the food was good, very yummy. this was sarah's finished meal, a type of salad with stew. quite interesting. i had my favourite dish bibimbap. i was quite daring with two teaspoons of chilli paste, but actually it was quite mild, haha.

i was a little disappointed at the lack of gimchi though. i was quite confused. a staple part of a korean meal is gimchi (the cold fermented/pickled vegetable side dishes)...but alas the restaurant had none!! i guess it's cos they dont expect australians to like it, or know about it. nevertheless i shall hunt down korean bbq restaurants until i find it, and kimbap, (korean sushi). other un-authentic thing was the lack of thin flat metal chopsticks. but i'm pretty unco with the things anyway, so their wooden replacements were quite welcome. haha ;-P

aside from re-discovering my favourite bibimbap dish (and the goodness of bulgogi meat in it!), the previously un-encountered chocolate dumplings were a tasty delight! truthfully i think chocolate anything is likely to be good.

the decor of the restaurant was really pretty, pale tea green walls and lots of stenciled painted butterflies in white.

it even extended to the bathroom, there's butterflies there too!

and now to finish off with a few more photos, cos i've nothing else really to say.

ooh, a nice attitude one of sarah.

ooh, this one looks sweeter!

is daniel contemplating another bowl of chocolate dumplings...??

sarah, (nice), and me, (looking just the slightest bit drugged). i blame the dumplings! :-P

and lastly kate, successfully having braved some korean spices! good effort!


kate said...

Haha woot! i shall have to get those photos off you and cathy, though that last one of me is a bit ugggh haha - and i shall definitely burn you latino latino, and perhaps some selected moises as well, our beloved columbian drug lord turned singer (with maracas no less!), ahh but it was fun, especially the part where we all survived my driving - im quite amazed! anyway, we must do more in ze holidaysss,
love kate

cp said...

arfgh where did my comment go!~? stupid keyboard deleting my writings.
what i said was,
that was hot!! in temperature more than food though, i pronounce myself happy to cope with spices.
again!! korean me up!! let's go to korean again before i go to wa. and i want gimchi too!! go the korean experience. did you have desserts in korean in china? black sesame icecream wins. albeit a ripoff.
i love making sentences like that. sophisticated language next to bogan aussie expressions. erm, that is to say, colloquialisms.
did you know it's 49 days till harry potter and the deathly hallows comes out! yesterday it was 50.. that's as many as years old my mum is... today it's 7^2. why can't you write squared properly on these keyboards.
yesterday i went to chopper reed's shop. did you know he had a shop? i sure didn't. check my blog soon.. or myspace, or something.. for full(er) story.