Friday, June 08, 2007

ahhh! they're back.

arghh! having a particularly ugly day today.

i cut my fringe yesterday, (before going for a resume drop at the local pines shopping centre,... haha, hopefully didnt damage my job prospects too much!) and i stupidly figured i would do a thorough job of it, seeing as i usually only pretend to cut it. but a day later i have come to realise it was a mistake, i was better off not being able to see through my hair.

why? cos i have eyebrows, arghh!! yes, i know, everyone has eyebrows, but these are my eyebrows which i hate, have always hated and possibly will always hate. hence why i always cleverly hide them away under a nice curtain of fringe, and try as hard as i can to forbid hairdressers to cut my fringe above my eyebrow level. (they proceed to anyway 9/10 times) but my eyebrows are especially worth hating at the moment when they are in serious need of some grooming and bleaching. they are grey! dark dark grey! and my hair is yellow!! bushy grey eyebrows and a too-short-for-my-standards yellow fringe are not a pretty pair.

but at least perhaps it will motivate me to go and get my eyebrows bleached or tinted. i've never been able to stand girls with dark eyebrows and bleached hair and sadly i became one and didnt do anything to stop it. oh, how did i let this happen? lou why didnt u make me dye my eyebrows back in china?? haha

here's a photo i took yesterday, and it actually looks ok (provided u like my surly look). i found that having my hair back in a ponytail seemed to make the damage look minimal, and actually the situation looks quite alright in this photo i do believe.

hmmm, i believe the camera flash is doing my eyebrows justice, but sadly in real life the mirror does not.

if i weren't having a terrible makeup day to add to my dilemmas i might even consider trying to go out and tint my eyebrows somewhere. sigh. ohh, why does appearance have to drive me crazy???

other news. im still avoiding starting study, but stress is slowly creeping in. im becoming wildly discontent with my daily routine of waking at lunchtime and bludging online all day. i've taken up reading and cross-stitch as other alternatives, along with the never ending eating sessions, but alas i am discontent. perhaps i will cook today?? i dont know. maybe even start my essay. shock horror. hah. doubt it.

on the upside of today though, i should now have a new phone line to call leo, wihout needing phonecards .... yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey heidi! Ur fringe looks really good! :) haha and so do ur eyebrows!! :) i wish i had light eyebrows, mine are so prominent and too much trouble lol because they're dark! I have a fear of them turning into john howard eyebrows. eek
good luck with the job hunting!

luv saraha