Monday, June 11, 2007


Another day of boredom and study-avoidance permeated our main room yesterday with the fragrant scent of biscuit baking. i decided to do a whole little bunch of chocolate-chip cookies to keep me (being a self professed biscuit addict and all) happily munching on goodies for when i actually get down to studying for my exam which has steadily been sneaking closer while i wasn't watching. turns out it is in one week exactly. next monday. good.

i am white as a ghost. silly camera flash. i know im pale, but it's not that extreme!

i almost forgot to add the choc-chips haha. i remembered just after i i put them into the oven, so i took them out, placed a chip on top of each and put them back into the oven.

i decided i will finally finish writing my report for the YDA scholarship people today, regarding my year in china (it's only about 4 months late now!) and start writing up some revision notes on horrendous verb conjugations in japanese grammar. most of them are fairly fine and followed rules but one particular form of conjugations is quite exceptional and hence just needs to be memorised...all 30 or so verbs and their bizarre conjugations. *sigh* but still, it's not unmanageable so i shall study and learn it.

my lips are sadly rather dry today, guess it comes with the return to cold weather, so im hunting out my most efficient lipbalms from the depths of my makeup drawer. on a brighter note im wearing my hair out today, and i conditioned it twice and only lightly ran the straightener through it, so its feeling incredibly silky and smooth! ^_^

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