Thursday, July 05, 2007

farewell again - Leila

wednesday night we gathered again for a farewell, this time for leila who's off to Greece (taking the key to vicki's heart with her!) and then back to europe again for round two of travelling.

lucky her!! but come november post- exams i too should be travelling again, yay!!!! though in reality i intend to be working as much as i can while over there. cos employment here is hopeless.

at this point in time i am contemplating a leave of absence for 2nd semester of next year, it would in fact coincide with the Olympics which is quite cool. but yes, it's all just little possibilities in my head and i need employment and income to make any of them happen in reality.

getting back to the point of the entry, Leila's farewell at Thai Sonyata in eltham.

as usual i manage to get my camera out only after the delicious food has been consumed so you shall just have to imagine the various variations of pad thai we had, chicken, and vegetarian, and nat had a soup and i had a chicken and mixed vegetable dish with jasmine rice.

to erin's horror she's only just discovered that global warming is upon us, from reading a book from her dad i do believe. and among her demands that they put something about it in the news (which personally i thought there already was, but then again i dont read or watch news so perhaps i've been mistaken) were her worries of a predicted short personal life- span (that she's put upon herself), the poor girl is now distraught with the welfare of the polar bears who are drowning as a result of melting of the polar icecaps.

while we were gravely informed that it's no joking manner i do think vicki was onto something when she thought we should write 'global warming - a comedy' as a short play or musical.

i think it could work. after all we did come to the stem of the problem and that was simply that we are all breathing too much and hence the co2 is wrecking the atmosphere.

lemons gifted from vicki's work were a welcome distraction from the grave seriousness of global warming. they were rather oddly shaped though! perhaps that's why they were giving them away free.

wow, this is too deep and grave and serious for my blog, drowning polar bears and all. (though i kept insiting that surely polar bears are capable of holding their breath for a long time and hence shouldnt really be drowning all that often...i shall consult wikipedia on this matter).

"Polar bears are excellent swimmers and have been seen in open Arctic waters as far as 60 miles from land. In some cases they spend half their time on ice floes. Their 12 cm (5 in) layer of fat adds buoyancy in addition to insulating them from the cold. Recently, polar bears in the Arctic have undertaken longer than usual swims to find prey, resulting in four recorded drownings in the unusually large ice pack regression of 2005.[24]"

it seems global warming is a threat to polar bears indeed, though hardly for drowning related reasons, as i dont class four as a very large number. it seems the issue is more with their prey moving further away perhaps. still dont know how long they can hold their breath though... ahah. "Researchers have tracked polar bears swimming for several hours straight, as much as 100 kilometers in a single stretch. They can only hold their breath for about two minutes, but they can close their nostrils (without having to pinch their noses, or wear nose plugs) when they dive underwater. [ref]"

back to dinner anyway. we took some more shots at the table.

and i took a dessert photo.

yumm. sticky rice and icecream with little white sesame seeds on top. love the leaf shaped bowl too! leila was hoping for the sticky rice and mango but it was out of season, so then we were hoping for the thai custard, but they were out of custard, so icecream it was.

outside we examined fashion and daniel's new jeans.

and as always kate and vicki had stylish coats.

the evening was complete with the setting up of a 'non-date-date' with daniel to see the 'so frenchy so chic' concert with emilie simon and nouvelle vague, in place of kate who's going to be in sydney for the weekend. haha.

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