Thursday, June 14, 2007

more photos.

haha, i have just remembered now, that several hours ago i was agonising over whether to study japanese or write my chinese essay.... but until now i have done neither! and now im busy updating my blog...oops! dont stress, i will do them after this, i promise!

exam is on monday, it's fast approaching, and essay is due on wednesday i think. *ahem* continuing on. it's been a while since i blogged with purpose, so today shall be it (note the continued h/w avoidance in play here!)

back to the china photos, today we shall see my other home.

the main room, mostly dominated by the bed and a small expanse of floor which needed constant mopping. the building to the right of the window is the same building as mine. hence u vaguely know what the outside looked like.

the corner of kitchen.

and front on. note my very pretty snowflake decorations. it was christmas/ winter decorating put together. perhaps if you're lucky you will see the christmas tree hiding in the corner of a later photo.

a good winter shot. snowflakes and me, rosy faced and rugged up. and the impossible-to-keep-clean-and-cream-coloured coat. didnt think about that when i bought it. as much as i love it, i think i want a black coat for next time.

bathroom: toilet, basin and shower. absolute luxury. and hot water and showering times all day long!

another nice room shot. and i think that's some washing drying on the floor too. heated flooring. yay.

window view. it was quite nice actually, no buildings blocking the way. it looked out over a middle school ground, soccer field and buildings. sometimes if you were lucky you could see the bad ass boys hiding behind the building directly below smoking. haha

soccer field again, and other (more ugly) apartment buildings surrounding. and if you strain to look you may see cars and the street to the top left corner. that's the street the uni is on, (although technically its behind us in this photo), also the main street for shopping and restaurants, my beloved 'chang jiang street', 长江街.

same view, with horizon included. from what i remember Shenyang's city is really sprawled out compared to melbourne. we just have our 5-6 streets criss-crossing in the centre and that's our city, but shenyang seems to be a lot bigger, at least spread out a lot more. seems to have skyscraper buildings and super busy city like areas everywhere. they seriously need a subway or train system which goes around the city. thankfully they are building one.

basically i've just dragged out almost every photo shot in the room i could find. lol. one of my 旗袍 qipao/ cheongsam dresses. another black one is flung on the corner of the bed.

my kindergarten flash card feature wall. yay. making flash cards and drawing with crayons was actually quite fun. jess, lou and i used to spend some time every few weeks making new ones, adding to our student vocab lists.
curtains were very cool and a nice chinese red (i bought them myself). the room is pretty high up, tenth floor i think, so the light was quite bright usually, so the curtains cast a beautiful mystic red glow all over the room. oh and leo is busy playing a game on his mobile which requires you to move the phone around, hence the deep concentration.

now i have sufficiently wasted lots of my studying time... but i still cant be bothered doing it. sigh.

i will probably put up another post soon, of places often frequented in shenyang. eg. korean bbq, sunny nightclub, cha cha cha ktv etc. we'll see. anyways, this is all for now. i'm off to raid the biscuit jar!


cp said...

hi heidi.
cool apartment. i wish today that i had heated flooring. i am wearing a normal outfit with my dressing gown over the top and am still cold. waiting for mum to get home to ask if she wants to go for a walk. though we will have to wait until the person installing our dishwasher leaves.
we have been without a dishwasher for a few weeks now, it broke. today it's coming back. and i am avoiding the person who is downstairs installing it. la la la.
updated my blog. check it ooooooot. oh nice curtains too btw.

kate said...

MM i agree - i love those curtains! one of my favourite things is light coming through curtains and making a whole room all coloured :) i love the whole apartment - not that its very big haha but im sure it was cosy - and the snowflakes are quite intricate - very impressed haha,
see you soon hopefully! when exams are finally over!
love kate