Saturday, June 30, 2007


leo likes me to send him some new photos every week or so, which while being a nuisance at times when im not out anywhere photo-taking suitable is also quite good in that i believe my overdone self-shots are improving. haha. that's my opinion anyway. lol.
i think maybe its the eyelashes, but i particularly like this photo which i only discovered today when i was sorting through folders. took it maybe 3 weeks ago i think. unlike most other photos i think this one needs to be viewed at a big size to look good.

this was another one from the same day obviously. ohh btw how cool are the earrings, i never wear big long chandellier earrings but these ones were from betty in yr 12 and they are really gorgeous. i should wear them more i think.

haha, while we're at it lets pout some more. pouts are so ridiculous, cos they just dont occur so dramatised in real life! haha, just realised, pouting provides instant cheek bones! lol

Friday, June 29, 2007

goodluck saraha!

tuesday night we went out for sarah's farewell at sushi wushi in eltham. i remembered that i dont like salmon this time, (haha, what an idiot!) so i had some nice chicken noodles instead. although sarah's california rolls looked mighty good, the were quite giant! im used to little sushis.

it was nice to catch up with leila, renee, and caitlyn again, and i saw nat for the second time this year. yay. that was good. i especially like her dragonflies tattoo. looks good.

vicki spilt the beans on leila's latest romance, and now renee is convinced she knows all there is to know. i certainly didnt catch as much as she did but then again i'm very innocent and angelic... *halo appears* and she was sitting next to Caitlyn, who is the devil, as we all know. ;-)

goodluck to saraha on her trip to Italy...i shall be stalking your myspace in the hope of updates and photos. and give us the verdict on brendan's work too! did it last the flight? hehe

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A day of good tastes

food-wise of course! the first highlight of the day yesterday was meeting up with katrina in Boxhill. it's really nice to see her again, and her english is so perfect now! really good ^_^

the second highlight was lunch. yumm. we had noodles. as everyone knows - i love noodles! all sorts! i had some stirfried beef noodles with mushroom and leek and they were quite yumm. katrina had some more traditional handmade noodles in soup. i didnt have any photos so u can just imagine that my meal looked similar to this.

looks good, yeah? im suddenly hungry again! haha

third highlight of the day was spending the late afternoon at cathy's house and catching up with leila!!!!

together with daniel and kate we took turns tasting a selection of french chocolates kate had given to cathy, all ordered carefully, after which cathy just tipped haphazardly onto the table ^_^

we chatted, drank tea, cathy packed for her trip away, and daniel was made to feel most 'uncomfortable' by some r & b music. haha.

and then cathy generously doggy-bagged some of her (as promised) pink lemon tart and cream. and some of her nougat too, which dad and i have been munching on all day. the tart was so good. yumm! and even top marks for presentation.

i believe that's where the line is really drawn between people who can cook, (with a little luck and practice) and people who are actually good at cooking. if you're good at cooking then it will look perfect too. and yes, from what i see of it, cathy's cooking is usually of the latter category of cook. haha, something i doubt i will ever be bothered to strive to achieve myelf. so yes, its nice to enjoy it, of others.

here is me,very proud in my pink coat, and my piece of tart and nougat carefully packed away. haha, i think i look a bit awkward, but never mind, that's what comes of self shots sometimes.

kate and daniel also were lucky enough to score some nougat.

and they're both intent on unwrapping a piece to sample before they take it home. it must be good nougat!

dad drove me home again after playing taxi for me all day, something i noticed doesnt happen too often these days, cos i was commenting on how weird it felt to be in a car with him, instead of me catching a bus. oh, and how sad i am in reflection when i remember the glee i felt when i realised i'd never be doomed to catching the school bus again! as always seems to be the case in my life, one bus is simply replaced by the next. but at least i frequently get a seat on australian buses. suppose that counts for something good.

i had homemade hamburgers, with beetroot and some good mayo, followed by my delicious dessert. all in all it was a very pleasant day!!

and then the good eating was continued again today, with some spaghetti for lunch, some toasted ham sandwiches for afternoon tea, a roast beef with potatos and gravy for dinner, and some chicken and vegie soup for late night supper. all in all, in relation to food, it was a very good weekend to be alive!

a speaking of food my sweet leo should be enjoying some korean bbq for dinner tonight. yumm. i want some too. love that restaurant. love their bibimbap mixed rice, gimchi, and barbeque marinated beef too! so delicious.

and even though China seems to have blocked again, with the great firewall of china, everyone needs to wish leo goodluck studying for and sitting his exams!

*jia you!* ('add oil' = cheering) ^_^ lol

Friday, June 22, 2007


u were right cathy, i was out yesterday, from 12noon until about 1 or 2am. after which i decided i was starving as i'd only had a korean potato fritter all day so i proceeded to cook myself some very good tomato and egg with mushroom..and sculled about 13 bowls of hot green tea. post midnight is a cold cold time!

i think i might cook some more egg and tomato for lunch. ooh i can chuck in some bokchoy too. yes! or.. i could always shove it all on top of 2min noodles. seeing as i havent cooked any rice i might just do that. yummm!

yeh, last night was quite fun. i spent the day in the city catching up with kyla, watching lindsay lohan movies, shopping at melb central, she bought a nice silver/gold shade bag and i bought a tshirt/lmost dress top, both $15, yay! so that was fun.

and then more movie watching and chatting. i met one of her new housemates briefly who came from sydney about 3 days ago, i've actually forgotten her name, maybe linda, but she's really really nice anyway. she works as a designer and a hairdresser i think, and apparently just got her permanent residency approved, so thats nice for her! ^_^

then i waited for about 30mins at melb central listening to some chinese mp3s lol and took an Epping train one stop to get to parliament station at 8:30pm. funnily enough i ended up being on the carriage directly behind kate, vicki, daniel, sarah, brendan and simon. so it made meeting up with them suprisingly easy haha!

after a few tram finding debacles we made it to bar nothing,which was quite cozy. a pity i forgot my camera! so meh, u can imagine with these pics. many of us took the plunge and got 6 (or 7 for some) cocktails or mocktails for the non-alcoholics for about $20. fairly easy on the pocketas far as drinks normally go, a good celebration of end of exams ^_^

i must say the sharapova was very sweet and almost caramely, although i usually dont like milky so much it was really nice! i couldnt let the Chaser team down by not having a Sandra Sully, and it was alright! peach/ orange/ mandariney.

strawberry daiquiris are always perfect and i wasnt disappointed. we must head to Cookie for another giant one though sometime! ah, that week with Leila on spring st was so good! hopefully get to catch up with Leila tomorrow evening at cathy's! yay!!!!!!

vicki and my late night kebab plans were foiled with the unforeseen closing of the kebab shop, which then dicely let a man in. grrrr. sarah and i had a nice heartfelt conversation on a park bench near the kebab shop, mostly discussing languages and whatknot cos we were also in fornt of a big languages school haha. i recognised that the tram to east brunswick which we were catching was indeed the very same one i got lost with when trying to get to see the Little Stevies. i learned the hard way that day that brunswick street and east brunswick do not necessarily cross.

later we discovered great fun in riding the station escalator by sitting down, believe it or not its quite entertaining!! coincidently met up with megan, ben and darren on the train too. daniel was awesome and drove me home, along with the other girls, thanks daniel!!!! (you'll see that message on your car window again next time it mists up, haha! ;-P )

and yes as before mentioned i cooked up a nice feast of egg, tomato and mushroom and green tea. love it. one day i will die of salt poisoning, im almost certain ahah. but then again i dont think it harms too many of the chinese population...but perhaps its somehow balanced by the MSG. meh i dont know enough about these things and i really dont care, so long as it tastes good. at least i should die happy, and for the most part full! ^_^

there, i updated, and before your trip too cath, happy? haha

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

more cam-whoring.

embarrassingly i worked out how to take photos with my webcam, after 5 months. turns out there's a big black 'photo taking' button on the top of it. i, (fake) blonde *ahem* failed to notice it. so here are my night's photos.

my eyes look rather cool, big and almond shape i think.
i like this photo!

to add to the embarrassment of my webcam debacle, i even searched google with 'how to use webcam to take photos' before i worked it out! i am proud to say i didnt actually need to read any of the sites about it before i worked it out though. but the fact that i searched is embarrassing enough!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yellow Earth

did my japanese exam today, was annoyed at the end of it when i discovered that the word i couldnt work out what it means is apparently derived from a german word meaning to work or work part time. i could not for the life of me work out what english word 'arubaito' was meant to sound like. and that's because it was damned german. grrrr.

other matters. this is my final assessment piece for the semester. yay. i thought i may as well post it, to try and make myself look cool. kidding! u may if u wish put this through google translate, but i doubt much of it will make sense, and the double meanings of some words could make some interesting interpretations, hopefully sexual mistranslations, for more fun in the reading, haha. no, i doubt it. i dont think i wrote anything sexual.

though i do remember back in yr 10 perhaps when mrs. tropp made a comment that loren had written the wrong word for 'exciting', resulting in writing something along the lines of 'doing something-a-rather was very sexually exciting'. for over a year i avoided writing the word 'exciting' cos i didnt know which one i should choose! haha. i do know it know though, haha. both in fact. mwahaha, perhaps one day i shall pretend to mistakenly say it in a class discussion just to watch the teachers reaction. actually that sounds like a very interesting idea. haha.
but behold, my 1000+ word essay.

我最喜欢的一部第五代导演拍的中国电影 :


简单得说我喜欢这部电影因为觉得很感动。本片生动描绘像真人,逼真性强。依我看来《黄土地》的经典悲剧故事打动人心,促使怜悯的感情,特别对女儿翠巧怜惜。观众能感觉到翠巧的痛苦, 怜悯那边的贫困和农村人辛苦的劳动。本片讲农村人的事,他们刚开始听到将来的时候需要离开传统和悠久的习惯。故事抒发中国农村人的困难。

可是光有感动故事的话,电影成功不一定保证了。电影的成功决定于很多事, 比如拍摄技术, 演员的演习,电影语言,等等。《黄土地》是各种各样成功电影技术的结合。在中国影坛上《黄土地》是第一部电影片使用种种西方电影语言方式都放在一起,而且保持中国的特点。结果是美妙极了。


《黄土地》这部电影传统和文化性丰富不得了。虽然这部电影比中国过去拍的电影完全不一样,但是我认为西方观众看的时候不会弄错是在哪里拍的,因为明显得是中国的。陈凯歌用过国外拍电影的方法和中国文化的味道放在一起。他创作了一部独一无二的电影。观众能看给农村人介绍共产主义的情况 ,而且看他们是怎么收到的。

电影的主题注意共产主义的出现和传统的离别。此外,提问哪种生活是最好的,可是电影不一定说共产主义是最理想的。本片让观众瞥见一个在中国共产主义革命之前和之中私人的故事。《黄土地》认真得注意压迫妇女。 翠巧的人物象征每一个农村女孩儿的情况。《黄土地》明确的批评社会传统的一种规矩,那就是包办婚姻。外国人和年轻人都会对这种情况 感觉到很恐怖。我万万不能接受!在这部分翠巧的歌很重要。她的歌声和歌词都表达情感。



《黄土地》不但是第五代导演陈凯歌拍的第一部电影,而且有张艺谋当摄影者。电影发生在陕西省的一个广袤苍凉的大陆上,拍摄技术显示了不起一望无尽的风景。他用了很多阴影, 特别在翠巧的家里面。她的爸爸总是被阴影环绕。这就是一个范例象征性。对我来说这些阴影代表他的性格,他对家人的独裁性。同时他被监禁了社会的规矩。还有我觉得翠巧天天劳苦的走到黄河取水象征压迫妇女。

陈凯歌的《黄土地》是一部栩栩如生的电影。我喜欢本片因为电影的人物像真人, 所以跟他们能找联系。翠巧悲惨情况,斗争挣脱,和最终死亡我觉得很感动。这是一个非常感人的电影片。

Sunday, June 17, 2007

despite the constant ups and downs of mood swings, and the assumption that i had recently overcome all silliness, i am once again mortally depressed. i still cant quite fathom how this has come about, but again and again it is. so i am resigned to admit it now. so here's to wallowing in self-pity. and regret. and despair. and being negatively dramatic.
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Friday, June 15, 2007

blog advert.

haha. how funny is this. i stumbled across a random blog of some person obviously in china and while most of it is quite boring there are some funny snippets of dialogues, so classic with what you're truly likely to experience that i enjoy it a lot.


"A while back when I was taking a bus from town to my campus with a friend of a friend, a girl starts talking to me telling me what she studies and how she tutors spoken English. When she found out which school I worked at, the following conversation occurred:
Girl: Oh, I tutor some students that you teach.
Me: Really?
Girl: Yes, she is maybe in senior one or two, maybe you recognise him. But she never has talked to you. He is a girl.
Me: OK (*that narrows it from 2,000 to 1,000 students)
Girl: She has glasses.
Me: OK (*that narrows it to 600 students)
Girl: And maybe a round face.
Me: Hmmmm (*that narrows it to 500 students). Does she have black hair?
Girl: Yes.
Me: (*still 500 students) Sorry, I don't know which one you're talking about. I have many students.
Girl: Ah, OK. Can I have your phone number?"

also this one perhaps rings a little true, haha.

"University aged guys and girls will often say hello at my back, then burst out laughing as I don't respond. I've often wondered what they think/say. Here's one possibility:
Guy1: Hey, there's a "laowai", let's shout Hello!
Guy2: Yeah, great idea. He'll love it.
Guy1: OK, you say it.
Guy2: No, you say it.
Guy3: Not me, I've only studied English for 9 years!
Guy1: Fine, I'll shout. Heellllow!
All: Hahahahahaha
Guy3: That was hilarious!
Guy2: We'll have to shout Hello more often.
Guy1: Wasn't I brave?!"

haha. and i think this is the most hillarious youtube video i have ever seen... it was also featured on the above blog. lol. haha i still cant stop laughing. why didnt they show us this in science class??

Thursday, June 14, 2007

more photos.

haha, i have just remembered now, that several hours ago i was agonising over whether to study japanese or write my chinese essay.... but until now i have done neither! and now im busy updating my blog...oops! dont stress, i will do them after this, i promise!

exam is on monday, it's fast approaching, and essay is due on wednesday i think. *ahem* continuing on. it's been a while since i blogged with purpose, so today shall be it (note the continued h/w avoidance in play here!)

back to the china photos, today we shall see my other home.

the main room, mostly dominated by the bed and a small expanse of floor which needed constant mopping. the building to the right of the window is the same building as mine. hence u vaguely know what the outside looked like.

the corner of kitchen.

and front on. note my very pretty snowflake decorations. it was christmas/ winter decorating put together. perhaps if you're lucky you will see the christmas tree hiding in the corner of a later photo.

a good winter shot. snowflakes and me, rosy faced and rugged up. and the impossible-to-keep-clean-and-cream-coloured coat. didnt think about that when i bought it. as much as i love it, i think i want a black coat for next time.

bathroom: toilet, basin and shower. absolute luxury. and hot water and showering times all day long!

another nice room shot. and i think that's some washing drying on the floor too. heated flooring. yay.

window view. it was quite nice actually, no buildings blocking the way. it looked out over a middle school ground, soccer field and buildings. sometimes if you were lucky you could see the bad ass boys hiding behind the building directly below smoking. haha

soccer field again, and other (more ugly) apartment buildings surrounding. and if you strain to look you may see cars and the street to the top left corner. that's the street the uni is on, (although technically its behind us in this photo), also the main street for shopping and restaurants, my beloved 'chang jiang street', 长江街.

same view, with horizon included. from what i remember Shenyang's city is really sprawled out compared to melbourne. we just have our 5-6 streets criss-crossing in the centre and that's our city, but shenyang seems to be a lot bigger, at least spread out a lot more. seems to have skyscraper buildings and super busy city like areas everywhere. they seriously need a subway or train system which goes around the city. thankfully they are building one.

basically i've just dragged out almost every photo shot in the room i could find. lol. one of my 旗袍 qipao/ cheongsam dresses. another black one is flung on the corner of the bed.

my kindergarten flash card feature wall. yay. making flash cards and drawing with crayons was actually quite fun. jess, lou and i used to spend some time every few weeks making new ones, adding to our student vocab lists.
curtains were very cool and a nice chinese red (i bought them myself). the room is pretty high up, tenth floor i think, so the light was quite bright usually, so the curtains cast a beautiful mystic red glow all over the room. oh and leo is busy playing a game on his mobile which requires you to move the phone around, hence the deep concentration.

now i have sufficiently wasted lots of my studying time... but i still cant be bothered doing it. sigh.

i will probably put up another post soon, of places often frequented in shenyang. eg. korean bbq, sunny nightclub, cha cha cha ktv etc. we'll see. anyways, this is all for now. i'm off to raid the biscuit jar!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

mixed emotions all in my head.
along with this s.h.e '借口'(jie kou) song too.

ooh! only 3 episodes left of weixiao pasta! Excitement!!

alas, i dont think i'll be able to watch them tonight, cos soon my brother will need to use the study again, for study funnily enough.

but then again,...perhaps i can watch it on my mums laptop...haha. im becoming a drama addict. and it, teamed with my terrible sleeping pattern cant be healthy!

in times when not amused with watching dramas online, im becoming very depressed, mainly about not having found a job yet, when i actually have been making somewhat of an effort to find one. argh! so pressured by time. it and being tired are making me very frustrated. this last week and a half i've been feeling very odd emotionally. i believe it is a mild form of depression perhaps. feels like i have pms all the time. i've started spacing out a bit now too. sigh. it's all in my head. i know that. all in my head.

anyways. this post is boring and hence it shall end. silly melb uni arts admin people. i asked u a question several days ago, hurry up and reply to it! i'd like to get on with trying to plan out my future if u dont mind!

Monday, June 11, 2007


Another day of boredom and study-avoidance permeated our main room yesterday with the fragrant scent of biscuit baking. i decided to do a whole little bunch of chocolate-chip cookies to keep me (being a self professed biscuit addict and all) happily munching on goodies for when i actually get down to studying for my exam which has steadily been sneaking closer while i wasn't watching. turns out it is in one week exactly. next monday. good.

i am white as a ghost. silly camera flash. i know im pale, but it's not that extreme!

i almost forgot to add the choc-chips haha. i remembered just after i i put them into the oven, so i took them out, placed a chip on top of each and put them back into the oven.

i decided i will finally finish writing my report for the YDA scholarship people today, regarding my year in china (it's only about 4 months late now!) and start writing up some revision notes on horrendous verb conjugations in japanese grammar. most of them are fairly fine and followed rules but one particular form of conjugations is quite exceptional and hence just needs to be memorised...all 30 or so verbs and their bizarre conjugations. *sigh* but still, it's not unmanageable so i shall study and learn it.

my lips are sadly rather dry today, guess it comes with the return to cold weather, so im hunting out my most efficient lipbalms from the depths of my makeup drawer. on a brighter note im wearing my hair out today, and i conditioned it twice and only lightly ran the straightener through it, so its feeling incredibly silky and smooth! ^_^

Saturday, June 09, 2007

im so behind. *sobs*

S.H.E have had a new album released for at least a month now and i only accidentally found out about it today, whilst downloading lots of new music!!!

you all know who S.H.E is, whether you knew it or not. They're the happy chinese-pop band responsible for that 'you are my Superstar' song which i think everyone (excluding Vicki perhaps) absolutely hates.

i dont know why i like them so much, but to me there's something cool in their happy songs, or pretty love ballads. don't worry friends, im sure more than half of china cant stand them and their music by now. they have been around for a long time, and yeah, their music probably isnt quite as deep and meaningful, or musically miraculous as many other artists. but i love them nonetheless.

omg i still cant believe i missed going to their concert last year. they were in Shenyang!!! and i even could have got a free ticket, if i just recharged my phone $40aus, instead of the usual $20 (would've been a crap ticket, i know), but damn fate had it that my brother shane arrived to visit me for the weekend, so i couldnt go. regret!!!!!

i've always found it really funny that their band name is S.H.E (derived from their english names' initials Selina, Hebe + Ella), but their production company is HIM. SHE and HIM. i dont know how many other people in the english speaking have noticed that. haha, i doubt any one else is really quite as amused by it as i am, but yes, i am, so there. :-p

before i kill you all with my endless ramblings about a happy pop group you care nothing about, i will briefly mention in passing the main song 中国话 (Zhong Guo Hua (chinese language)) from the new album 'Play'. basically it's all happy as usual, and the basic gist of the lyrics is saying how great the chinese language is, and how people all over the world are studying chinese. nice and patriotic. lol.

but it's quite fun, cos half the lyrics are made up of tongue-twisters!!! i love chinese tongue twisters. haha, i dont know many, and im not really good at them, and my tones must be horrendous im sure, but they're fun! i was so excited to recognise the first tongue twister in the song... though the version i know is different to the one in the song. thanks to Lizhen, my first chinese sister for teaching it to me ;-)

bian dan chang, ban deng kuan, ban deng mei you bian dan chang, bian dan mei you ban deng kuan

means: the shoulder-pole is long, the bench is wide, the bench is not as long as the shoulder pole, the shoulder pole is not as wide as the bench.

cute, right? haha it's fun.

everyone always thinks that chinese is the most difficult language to learn, but i generally disagree. once you're familiar with it, its not bad at all. grammar is very simple. no verb conjugations or adjective conjugations! ^_^ in fact conjugations dont exist at all as far as i know. the sounds of a word will never change, except for perhaps if u flavour it with a 'wanna be beijing' accent which is what they teach to us foreigners, and the occasional natural change in tones, for ease of pronunciation. yes, characters can be hard to remember, but just because there are lots of them, not because they're hard to write.

but you all know chinese is a tonal lanuage, and for most foreigners tones are the main cause of worry. everyone stresses over "omg, what if my tone's wrong?" but after studying for a while i think a lot of people like me tend to ignore the fact that tones exist, and just speak, ... apparently sometimes they occur naturally. then again other times they dont. which means u can say some interesting mistakes....

i read somewhere (might've been one of my chinese textbooks) that because there are so many different dialects and accents from all the different parts of china that half the chinese people probably dont say all the tones right either. everyone manages to understand you most of the time, so it seems to be okay i guess.

but back to tones and tongue twisters. some people who studied chinese at high school might remember mr. chen's tongue twister:

是14, 40是40.
si shi si, shi shi shi, shi si shi shi si, si shi shi si shi.

means: 4 is 4, 10 is 10, 14 is 14, 40 is 40.

(looking at the meaning, non-chinese-speaking people think it's simple right? just some numbers and the word 'is'). haha, for foreigners the problem is in the mouth positions needed to change between si for 4, and shi for 10, and as with any tongue twister, the repetitive sounds. however if you live in an area like shenyang, where i did last year then they actually pronounce 4 and 10 the same way - quite frustrating. hence u must rely on the tones alone (or logic, in some cases!) to know the price of something when bargaining in the market.

so if you imagine a shenyang person saying the tongue twister, it's quite crazy!!

sounds like:
si si si, si si si, si si si si si, si si si si si.

perhaps makes the tongue twister easier, cos then u just have to concentrate on the different tones, not the mouth changing positions as well. haha

i remembered hearing about a tongue twister where it was all the same sound, just with different tones, so i decided to hunt for it online. i think it's actually written in old style chinese, so maybe now some of the words aren't in use, or their pronunciation has changed, but this is basically it in it's tongue twister form.

i copied it off the internet, rather than retyping it, so you can see the tones in it.

haha, and im not going to go trhough and translate it, cos im not that bored today, but im imagining it will have something to do with stones and lions and judging from the title a certain mr. Shi. haha. enjoy.

施氏食狮史 (Historical record of Mr Shi eating lions).

石室诗士施氏, 嗜狮, 誓食十狮。
Shíshì shīshì Shī Shì, shì shī, shì shí 10 shī.
Shì shíshí shì shì shì shī.
十时, 适十狮适市。
10 shí, shì 10 shī shì shì.
是时, 适施氏适市。
Shì shí, shì Shī Shì shì shì.
氏视是十狮, 恃矢势, 使是十狮逝世。
Shì shì shì 10 shī, shì shì shì, shī shì 10 shī shìshì.
氏拾是十狮尸, 适石室。
Shì shí shì 10 shī shī, shì shíshì.
石室湿, 氏使侍拭石室。
Shíshì shī, Shì shǐ shì shì shíshì.
石室拭, 氏始试食是十狮。
Shíshì shì, Shì shí shì shí shì 10 shī.
食时, 始识是十狮, 实十石狮尸。
Shí shí, shǐ shì shì 10 shī, shí 10 shī shī.
Shì shì shì shì.

mwhaha. i have just thought of an interesting plan. one day i will walk around the streets of china and any one who approaches me to shout "HELLO!!" in my face will be given a copy of the above and asked to read it to me. haha.

speaking of which, i am wearing i top i bought in china today, but was always too scared to wear while i was there!! perhaps u can see why.

for now at least i have made peace with my new fringe.

so far i seem to have discovered it looks better when my hair is up, which after several years of wearing my hair down all the time is quite extreme. so i am wearing fluffy pink or blue scrunchies and tying at least half my hair up, like today. ^_^

and now its time to at least start on some jap revision....

oh, and the odd song you hear playing now is the Zhong Guo Hua one with the tongue twisters in it. don't worry, i'll change it again soon i imagine.

Friday, June 08, 2007

ahhh! they're back.

arghh! having a particularly ugly day today.

i cut my fringe yesterday, (before going for a resume drop at the local pines shopping centre,... haha, hopefully didnt damage my job prospects too much!) and i stupidly figured i would do a thorough job of it, seeing as i usually only pretend to cut it. but a day later i have come to realise it was a mistake, i was better off not being able to see through my hair.

why? cos i have eyebrows, arghh!! yes, i know, everyone has eyebrows, but these are my eyebrows which i hate, have always hated and possibly will always hate. hence why i always cleverly hide them away under a nice curtain of fringe, and try as hard as i can to forbid hairdressers to cut my fringe above my eyebrow level. (they proceed to anyway 9/10 times) but my eyebrows are especially worth hating at the moment when they are in serious need of some grooming and bleaching. they are grey! dark dark grey! and my hair is yellow!! bushy grey eyebrows and a too-short-for-my-standards yellow fringe are not a pretty pair.

but at least perhaps it will motivate me to go and get my eyebrows bleached or tinted. i've never been able to stand girls with dark eyebrows and bleached hair and sadly i became one and didnt do anything to stop it. oh, how did i let this happen? lou why didnt u make me dye my eyebrows back in china?? haha

here's a photo i took yesterday, and it actually looks ok (provided u like my surly look). i found that having my hair back in a ponytail seemed to make the damage look minimal, and actually the situation looks quite alright in this photo i do believe.

hmmm, i believe the camera flash is doing my eyebrows justice, but sadly in real life the mirror does not.

if i weren't having a terrible makeup day to add to my dilemmas i might even consider trying to go out and tint my eyebrows somewhere. sigh. ohh, why does appearance have to drive me crazy???

other news. im still avoiding starting study, but stress is slowly creeping in. im becoming wildly discontent with my daily routine of waking at lunchtime and bludging online all day. i've taken up reading and cross-stitch as other alternatives, along with the never ending eating sessions, but alas i am discontent. perhaps i will cook today?? i dont know. maybe even start my essay. shock horror. hah. doubt it.

on the upside of today though, i should now have a new phone line to call leo, wihout needing phonecards .... yay!

Thursday, June 07, 2007


im a model!!

haha just kidding.

but kyla is!

look at us, aren't we cute? tall, but cute.

i went to see her again yesterday. it was fun. oh, and ahah! i believe i am only 171cm after all, despite people's constant disbelief, cos i found out kyla is officially 178cm (5'10) and she's taller than me. so at 171 cm i guess that makes me about 5'9? im not too sure i dont really know feet, and i certainly am not interested in knowing how to calculate the conversion rate!

and thus ends the 4th blog of the night... but then again it's morning now isn't it, almost 2am. back to the original question, why am i still up?? go to bed you silly girl! But rest assured i will be up before 11am tomorrow. its, uh, a promise. (for no particular reason whatsoever other than the fact that i shouldnt waste the day yet again. perhaps i will even start my essay, or at least go for a long walk to the pines shops or something. we'll see), but yes, feel free to call me or anything from 11am onward because i WILL be up.

haha, we'll see how true it rings... not very is more than likely.
i always find its a whole lot easier to sleep after u've set your alarm on snooze a few times and eventually switched it off. why is that??

and the clock strikes 2. ok, it's off to bed with me!