Thursday, May 24, 2007


it's the start of a long break and already i have nothing to do. i handed in my japanese assignment, and did my last in class assessment for chinese today, so i find im not at all in the mood for more study or revision now. i only have one exam, and it seems a long lontg time away. i have 2 essays also, but likewise, their due dates are quite generous!

so i find myself yet again threatening to waste an entire afternoon and evening doing nothing worthwhile entangled upon the world wide web. i keep planning and post-poning to cook some biscuits, cos im never in the mood, and the same goes for my scholarship report writing task.

job hunting is fruitless so far, but i am starting to put in a few applications for things. we'll see how it all goes. i really need something to occupy me with though.

perhaps tomorrow i will do some language study, and then in the evening i plan to go to the chinese language competition. it finishes quite late though...9pm. if im lucky dad might come to pick me up, or perhaps i shall go and free-load at cathy's. she's probably going to be in eltham region though, haha.

im considering wasting my afternoon watching more taiwanese dramas, cos they're very effective time wasters as each episode goes for bout an hour, yet i dont really seem to be in the mood for that either...

perhaps i need to go outside and have a walk or something. there really is nothing i want to do right now. i need a hobby.

even blogging is losing it's flair as i have nothing of interest to discuss, i dont even have any interesting pictures, im sick of taking photos of myself in various silly 'peace sign' poses, and i've spent too much time fiddling around with my japanese project blog. anyone who's interested can have a look at beware though, you wont understand a thing.

checking my emails for the 3rd time today, and alas all 3 email accounts still have no messages.

ooh, wait wrong, i have a myspace comment. yay! i was just planning on checking my myspace. and hopefully lou will be on msn today. i feel like a chat.

ok, time to check my comment. i shall update again if i ever do something worthy of blogging about, which in the meantime is not all that likely.

so from a very bored heidi, adieu.

1 comment:

cp said...

It being a week or two later, ok i am too lzay to move the window and check what date it was when you posted this, preferring rather to write a very longwinded sentence about how i don't really know how much later it is, how ridiculous, i hope you are no longer bored. i have realised i am getting just a little bit bored - it's hit me that i have only my tech exam on wednesday, for which i believe i am ready, which means i ha ven othing else i need to do and am on HOLIDAYS!! and yes anyway have realised i am bored when i am sitting around going "damn, finished breakfast already, what can i cook today?" and the fridge is full of leftovers.
i need to get into reading again.
next comment!