Wednesday, May 16, 2007

the grand list of things to do....

(busy-ness in a good way!)

on monday lunchtime loren, kate, sarah and i began compiling a list of holiday amusements, a whole little assortment of things to fill in the time between exam cramming, work-shifts or in my case sleeps and meals. the list started off with the idea of let's write down all those things we've always wanted to do, but just never have. anyone with ideas to add to the list, leave a comment at the end of the post.

keep in mind some of these activities can all be combined together into just a couple of days too.
and so the list commences.

1.) dinner party marathon -perhaps a week long saga, involving a different person hosting a themed dinner party each night. the host chooses and prepares the menu, theme and any entertainmemts for the evening they want. basically the host chooses, so it can be as elaborate or relaxed as they want it to be, eg. 'the aussie bums night in' or 'diamonds and pearls are a must'. whatever u want. other variations: a supper party sleepover followed by breakfast.
2.) trip to the movies (using our wonderful free hoyts tickets - yay! haha
3.) a treasure hunt around the city
4.) ice-skating or rollercity. revisit those middle-school parties!
5.) 'a night around the open-fire' toasting marshmallows and eating jaffle sandwiches. yumm
6.) a gothic night complete with sayonce. haha
7.) op-shop shopping in the dodgy end of chapel part 2! (i.e. closest to Carnegie. lol)
8.) plant a vegie patch in Sarah's garden
9.) a big baking day
10.) a beauty pamper day
11.) a bizarre sports day - croquet, boccie, marbles and quoits!
12.) boardgames day - (i will make tea or some form of refreshments for everyone while monopoly is being played, as i've hated it since i was young, and i still maintain that it gives me headaches)
13.) 'come as you are' party - involves those people with a car driving round to the other people's houses unexpectedly and picking them up in whatever daggy attire they're currently dressed in, to go to the party.
14.) a photography day in the city - black and white mode/ colour
15.) bike riding day
16.) a clothes-making day - for all those simple things u're too stubborn to actually buy for the outrageous price they cost in the shops
17.) film a short movie - maybe 2-3 mins long
18.) picnic in the botanical gardens - preferably on a dry weather day, shouldnt be too hard with the drought
19.) bridge road shopping trip
20.) meditation/ interpretive dance afternoon
21.) "sorry i've lost my voice" half day (no one is allowed to speak, perhaps a silent meal would be the best way to keep ourselves occupied), combined with a "sorry i cant speak english" 1/2 day (or perhaps a champagne drinking party) where you can only utter words from foreign languages to each other, regardless of actually being understood.

what an awful lot of nonsensical fun we're to have! ^-^

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