Wednesday, May 09, 2007

more talent? sadly not... well, not yet!

woo. i am an artist!! haha, we've moved onto ink paintings in class, and this was my landscape one from this week.

looks pretty snazzy, ey? actually it's crap and i probably have to try it again so i have something decent to hand in. my marks do come from my practical work for this subject remember!

i really should be in bed, cos i have to get up early again tomorrow (hate hate HATE) 6:30am starts. ugh! damn 9am classes. i have to do my writing piece in jap class tomorrow. i wrote one and tried to memorise it on the weekend but my mood and motivation for it has completely gone, so im not bothering to revise it. i'll have a brief look over it on the bus tomorrow and that should do it.

another thing im sick of is insomnia. drives me crazy! and yes i know having an irregular, often late night/early morning sleeping pattern does not help anything, and also that stressing about needing to wake up early the next day also does nothing for trying to fall asleep quickly but grrrrr damn body just fall asleep properly for once! ive considered sleeping pills but leo warned me against them. not sure why exaclty. but i trust him. so yeah, i've given up on worrying too much about trying to get sleep before my early starts. what's the worst that will happen really? i'll fall asleep on the bus, or in class? hasnt happened yet, but it'd probably be a nice occurence cos i could finally get some good Zzzzzs. and certain classes deserve to be slept through!

ah well, im off to go and try technique number 164 for falling asleep. (just kidding! i've probably tried more than that over the years!). studying a chinese textbook. once again leo's advice. lol! but crazy as it sounds it worked well accidently many a time throughout my year in china. all i had to do was open my textbook (which out of class was a RARE occurence) and instantly a nap looked pretty damn good! and then there was the daily ritual of wake up 7:20am, shower, dress up, do hair and run across to the class building (via trampling through the garden, a well used shortcut) often still in my rubber, or fluffy slippers (depended on the weather conditions), get to a desk, open the book, and once again feel incredibly tired!

i even started a coffee addiction for a week or two. i'd never drunk a cup of coffee before, but for about 2 weeks i was getting 1 or 2 a morning every day to try and stay awake through my classes. decided to stop and just put up with the fatigue (cos it seemed to be there again anyway about 3 mins after the coffees) cos i didnt want to become dependent on coffee for the rest of my life. possibly a silly fear yes, but i have a fear of drug-like dependencies. so yes, i only had the very occasion coffee since then, and in fact havent had a coffee since the final day in shenyang, sitting with Galya in her dorm room. that was really nice coffee. think it was Israeli actually. miss Galya. i was a crap friend to her. can probably count the times i actually hung out with her on my hands. hope i can see her again at the end of the year. i wanna make more of an effort next time. sigh. why is everything i wanna do in china????? and more to the point why arent i there with it?

in a convo about future careers with my friend at uni today my uni friend asked me what i planned in the future. it sounded so strange even to my ears when i replied 'well actually as soon as i finish uni i plan to go back china and live in the city my bf's studying in.' after a bit more discussion i added that i did actually plan to work, and yeah it'd probably be some line of work dealing between aust and china (which has more or less been my plan for the last 5 years), but in more recent times ive considered importing and exporting as my favoured thing to do. but who knows i'll probably end up in boring translator's shoes, or worse teach english until i cant stand china anymore. i can picture the annoying students endlessly nagging already. arghhh!

on a happier note, back to the original topic. next week we get to do panda and bamboo paintings in calligraphy class! woo! haha

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