Sunday, May 13, 2007

Finally - i can cook!

it seems in recent times my culinary skills have indeed improved. i can now officially cook more than just two-minute noodles, or fangbian mian as i habitually call them now (translates to 'convenient noodles' - what a fun and yet apt name for them, although there does prove to be many cases (usually involving unreadily available hot water sources wherein convenient noodles are proven to be rather inconvenient. but we shan't delve into all that!).

yes, it's true. i can actually cook. lou stop rolling your eyes in disbelief. i only forgot the eggs in your birthday picnic muffins once ok, just ONCE! (and no smart remarks anyone about her only having a birthday once a year, i wont have it!)

aside from said muffins, i readily proclaim that i can cook what i term 'sweet things', ie. desserts such as choccie puddings, cakes generally of the banana or chocolate variety, but recently i've branched out into pavlova too! as is the case with anyone i can cook spag bol, and of course my favourite snack anytime of the day (including those unearthly hours of the morning) the before-mentioned fangbian mian.

since my return from china my cooking expertise has expanded vastly, with my wonderful yet slightly time consuming chinese dumpling cooking skills, and now dum dum daaa!

may i present my latest accomplishment: bok choy and mushroom, teamed up with the ol' easy favourite egg and tomato. (i've worked out the knack for it now vicki and cathy, it now tastes more or less as it should and i haven't stooped to adding msg!)

check out those colours! any home eco teacher should be happy! hah! ms. pincent u can stick your 'oh...well at least i suppose you're good at cleaning up' comment right up your arse!

and a wannabe chinese meal is never complete without some green tea, courtesy of leo's hometown. yay!

and yes, i am drinking from a bowl. hey - it's considered fairly normal in china, ok? especially if drinking beer or evil baijiu spirits. warning for baijiu virgins - never EVER mix with fanta. especially not on your first baijiu date. though i suppose either way the relationship will be doomed from the start!

baijiu is something stupid like 80%proof (ooh, wikipedia corrects me, ranges from 80-120% proof, vodka is usually about 80%) . bottles are sold to students and people on the lower income end for about 2 yuan ($30cents aust), or if your in the more elite end of the income chain up to 26,880yuan ($4000+ aust).

don't be fooled - it's all nasty whatever the price tag. though rumour has it the expensive stuff tastse worse than the cheap stuff. in my opinion however it should be illegal to sell such lethal stuff for a damn 30cents aust. to put this in perspective a bit more, many people liken it to metho. enough said.

moving on to other matters, leo's tea is nothing like metho or baijiu, and like the boy himself, i love it. ^-^

wah~~ he's so adorable!!! love u love u love u!

hope everyone's had a good weekend. i see a few trips to the movies ahead of us, cos i saw the new pirates movie is coming out soon too - and i still want to see the Zhang Yi Mou 'Curse of the Golden Flower' again, this time in aust,

and maybe 'mr. bean's holiday' for a good laugh. and no, that picture is not of mr. bean in makeup. haha. it is however gong li, and her 'son' jay chou. yay. oh, so much to do, and so little money. mummy and daddy i'm afraid your pockets shall be emptied again quite soon!

ahh, i love this song so much. Xiao Wu Gui (little turtle) - Nicholeas Teo.

basic lyrics are:
La la la la la la la la la la

I want to give this song to one person
Music replaces my words
Affection only increases
The moment that I kiss her face
The world starts to twirl
The feeling of love is sweeter than cherries
Our eyes light up sparks and break through all limitations
Letting people forget rejection
Love becomes classic
Give her all my love
I want you to be my small turtle forever
I love you
Every day

and lastly, happy mothers day to my mum, who of course doesn't read this anyway. she is somewhere in Alice Springs at the moment, strolling around a market i do believe. but yes, think my parents and grandparents are having a nice time, so that's good.


cp said...

oooh looks good!! when can we get together to make some more chinese food!!? i want to taste this good egg and tomato! and get a bamboo steamer and make dumplings with sesame oil in them!! mm.

Anonymous said...

eeeek 120% proof how is this possible????? horribbllleeee thought.
