Saturday, May 05, 2007

study day.

today i slept in 'til noon, after a late-ish night last night at Renee and Caitlyn's housewarming party. i like their new place - it's really nice! well, i kind of slept in til a waking up, falling asleep again fashion. it's annoying i cant seem to sleep in properly this last week or so. every time i have an opportunity to have a good long sleep in i wake up to the sound of my brother's phone alarm going off multiple times at about 9am! the idea is that it wakes him up, not me!

so yeah, i woke up and called leo, we chatted for a while and then it was time for me to begin my study. skipping lunch i started with calligraphy at 1:30pm and went on to do japanese, chinese, calligraphy assignment, and japanese assignment through until 10pm, with a short dinner break in the middle. can't believe it. i actually studied from 1:30pm-10pm. so ridiculous. i really do have a lot of schoolwork this weekend it seems, cos i've still got more stuff i need to do tomorrow, though im really not sure how much of it i will get through.

besides, i think i did an alright job today. i finished of all the appendices stuff for my calligraphy assignment, so despite our due date extension it is all stapled together and ready to be submitted. now ive just got tackle the practical classes Final Work piece. we've been given two weeks to do it, and i have to have drafts of my piece done by tuesday. guess i'll be doing that tomorrow. among everything else.

i wrote my japanese composition task today. meant to be around 600 characters long, somehow i've got to be able to reproduce it on thursday morning. 'twill be fun. memorisation work here we come again! im quite clever, but im not sure if the teachers will catch on. they let us know 4 possible topics, of which 3 will be given as options on the day. hence you're meant to prepare for several writing tasks. but i've written a piece which applies to 2 of the topics (uni life and friends). haha. as one of the two topics has to be an option, im all set. but as i said, who knows if the teachers will catch on, i suspect they will, but hey if its relevant to the topic, its relevant. how devious i am!

i am quite determined to take a break tomorrow though! i was very disciplined today, and i didnt bum around on the computer, internet or watch any dvds. so tomorrow i plan to watch some more of my beloved Taiwanese drama, Wei Xiao Pasta haha. the current song playing is one of the themes from the drama, and in fact it's sung by the male lead. he even sings it in the story too, as he's a pop star in the drama.

i recently discovered an awesome website which has a million dramas, anime and music videos and stuff the other day. practically everything on it is english subtitled from what i've seen so far, however it doesnt have an english version of Wei Xiao Pasta, so unfortunately for if anyone was actually interested you cant watch it. however i can watch the start of the series, and probably should, before i watch any more of the end of it. haha!

so yes, nothing else more to say really. just wanted to make a point of the fact that i was good and studied today, which is of course quite a rare occurence for two reasons. 1) that im generally slack and lazy, and 2) that i usually dont have much workload. occasionally though, i guess it creeps up on me like this.

mum's in the northern territory, and dad leaves very early this coming morning. so, a week or so of cooking, cleaning, and washing is ahead of me again. reminds me a bit of my apartment in china, which although small managed to be quite difficult to maintain a tidy state in. i guess i was working and studying, and having a more active social life. never mind, we'll see how it goes.

i love this song! it's sweet. i'd never heard it before the drama. it's name is 'little turtle', derived from a nickname he has for his girlfriend in the drama.

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