Thursday, May 24, 2007

strange set of events.

1 cup of coffee, 2 and a half hours and 38 biscuits later, and i find i am obssessed with Savage Garden???

i worked out my odd jitteriness and unrest this afternoon is most likely due to the 2 cups of coffee i've had today (when i normally dont have any) and an unusual caffeine dosage. it hit me when i found myself sprinting through my house, instead of walking at a regular pace and my shaking hand as i held a measuring cup full of oats.

never the less, the oven baking-free biscuits seem to have turned out ok, though i am still waiting for them to set.

and the Savage Garden? I'm not sure really, but i've just spent the last half hour singing and dancing around the place, and now im updating the blog song yet once again. once again. i blame the coffee. in any case, it was a toss up between 'tears of pearls' and 'carry on dancing'.


kate said...

I want to stand with you on a mountaiiiin, i want to bathe with you in the seaaaa! hahahah arhghh savage garden! Those biscuits look nice, though am slightly confused about non oven bakingness of them -- do they go in the fridge or something? anyway - lets do something this weekend! lets go and see a movie or go shopping or anything! I feel that the dodgy end of chapel street is calling :)
love kate

... Heidi ...海华 said...

well kate, standing on mountains and bathing with me can both be done in china...and it'll be considered perfectly normal too!
i agree something should be done this weekend. i think im going out tomorrow night with cathy to see the little stevies or something... im assuming it'll start after the chinese bridge comp finishes...

and the biscuits are kind of hot toffee-ish when cooked on the stove, and then when they cool they set. its a new recipe i tried. i ate one and despite being very sweet they're ok.

cp said...

HAHAHA gaWD those biscuits. they have made a very good serial story.
at the end of the last comment i wrote (being the one for the 'bored.' entry) i have realised my comments are mainly about myself. and that i should possibly channel all this self-talk into another blog. but it's quite exciting the idea of a series of comments that are related to each other. it's like your very own cathy's blog in little chapters that's on your blog. isn't that a cool notion??
savage garden WOOHOO!! some australian pop we can both wholeheartedly love. haha.