Saturday, May 19, 2007

bbq ^_^

i've finally bothered to upload some photos from the bbq party i went to last weekend with my new found korean friends. it was a really good afternoon actually. i met about 5 or 6 new people, including a really sweet korean lady and 2 little lower-primary school age kids - they were SO cute. i've always been someone who's not really into babies and kids, but there's definitely something about asian kids that just screams 'cute!' to me. hence my working with kids at primary school and kinders all last year i guess. damn those little monsters, they had me giving out lollies every week, even when they were little terrors who didnt listen to a word i said. haha.

i think one of the saddest things for me was one of the kinder girls excitedly telling me all about her new american foreign teacher 'candy' on my last teaching day, and saying how they asked that teacher for lollies, but she hadnt brought any, etc etc. so there i was trying to say goodbye and explain to the little girl that was going back to my home in another country. but she just couldnt understand the concept of distance, and was just staring at me with her beautiful little eyes and smiling and saying how much fun it would be to have 2 foreign teachers, me and candy! i felt really nostalgic leaving the kinder that day.

anyway, on to happier things. here are some photos of our aussie-style bbq.

this is me, with kyla and julia. julia's to the right, with the 2 cute kids u can kind of see in the background. the boy's there anyway. he was really shy, perhaps it was due to the scary looking girl with cheese-yellow coloured hair haha.

and here we are enjoying our salads and sausages. korean food is usually eaten with chopsticks and spoons, maybe occasionally with forks(?), but knives are never used. hence we had no knives and were all cutting our sausages with the edge of our forks. but its the bbqed chicken that's a real challenge!!

posing with kyla. she has the most beautiful clothes, this was a skirt and top ensemble i think but it looked just like a dress, really really pretty. think it had a big keyhole at the back. and check out how long her hair is! wow, i already know now my hair will never be that long or such good condition. lou, u think the guy from the band has awesome hair, u should see kyla's up close. perfect condition. *envious* ^_^

im helping to nurture her conversation skills along a bit, cos she's only been in melbourne about 1 month now, and it's cool cos she's offered to teach me some korean. if melb uni offered korean i probably would have tried to pick it up this year, so yeh, it's really cool that i might be able to learn a little bit and have some friends to practise with too. perhaps in the holidays i will have some time to start. should be fun, doing a bit of a language exchange english-korean.

and while we're on the topic of korean i will advise anyone who has not tried 'bibimbap' or korean mixed rice to try it! it is awesome - my favourite korean food by far. it is SO good. even better than korean bbq.

but it is a little spicy (as is most korean food other than korean bbq) so if u're not yet accustomed to spicy food (obviously haven't been abroad to various parts of asia recently, have you?) be warned, but still, try it!

AND, i've finally remembered the one type of kimchi i'm not particularly fond of, (ok, i hate it). it's white radish kimchi. remember that day on the lawn sarah and loren, when i was talking about the horrible diced vegetable i couldnt was white radish.

urgh it's yuk! just look at it. other than this, korean food and kimchi are awesome. i developed quite a taste for them in Shenyang. good ol' korea town and korean bbq restaurants in the uni's vicinity ^_^

missing the food so bad, and all these pictures of bbqs and bibimbap aren't helping! currently too lazy to cook myself some food, so am just waiting for mum and dad to come home and miraculously conjure me up some dinner. aren't parents friendly??

and now i guess its time to get back to cramming for my japanese speaking test...sigh!!!


cp said...

someone's been telling me about a good korean place. that's cheap. i wish i could remember who or where it was!!
time is running out, i leave on the 22nd of june, everything is so busy! i can't be bothered writing more in your comments because i'm sure i'll talk to you again soon on the phone, which is more fun.

kate said...

Ohh yum that mixed rice does look quite delicious, im pretty bad with spicy food though haha so i may have to work up to it. Yay! last week of uni, holidays are approaching! And then we can do all those things on our list! woooot, i can't wait,
love kate