Friday, August 10, 2007


just a quick blog for old times' sake, while i take a short break from my 'china since mao' subject readings (it's a really good and interesting subject btw!). im making good use of my day off by doing some study and recovering from my cold. thankfully it already seems to be lightening off which is great. colds are always long and annoying.

yesterday afternoon i was completely exhausted and i went to sleep at 4pm, waking 4 hrs later at 8pm to an utterly dark house (cam was in the study, but the door was shut so there was no light). i was so disoriented. i couldnt see or focus on any clocks so i had no idea what time it was and cos my body clock was out of wack i thought i'd slept until 2am or something. haha. funniest thing is probably that i was quite regretful of the fact that i'd obviously missed dinner - and mum had cooked a lasagne for cam and i.

garfield loves lasagne too! a cat with good taste.

as it turned out though i found it was only 8pm, mum was at a church meeting and dad was working until real late (ok thats just his excuse and quite naturally he is of course having an affair....with the packet of lollies in his desk drawer no doubt. i swear he is always eating lollies everytime i talk to him on the phone at work!) and yes, so i preheated the oven and cooked the lasagne up. meanwhile i had a shower, mainly to wash off all the mascara which had made its way into my left eye partially blinding me, making my cold and headache seem all the more distressing haha, and just to try and feel a bit more in order. it worked. as is the way with being sick though i couldnt finish my small serving of lasagne so thanks to the invention of gladwrap, i covered it up and saved it in the fridge for todays lunch. ^_^

lasagne is simply the best!! i think i've had a few slightly dodgy ones the last few times we've had it (which is off course not all that often) and i was beginning to feel it was no longer my favourite. (i've noticed my tastes have been changing over the last year or so, things i used to love are just meh atm) but no, lasagne is still up there at the top of the 'awesome foods' list in my books. got to be homemade and not vegetarian though of course!

mmmmmm. it's yummm! tomato-y and creamy at the same time. the perfect pasta by all accounts!

on a side note for sarah, lol:
i just looked for photos of lasagne online and saw a website named '' hahaha i couldnt stop thinking of our convesation from wednesday about sorghum and the sowing of wild oats!! hahah


Anonymous said...

Mmm i must admit that despite my vegetarian leanings i still do LOVE lasagne. Ooo i feel so hungry right now... i hope you feel better :)
love kate

Anonymous said...

hahah the conversation about the sowing of wild oats, hahha i can just see how everyone is going to misconstrue that!

I am very fond of garfield, and it just reminds me of some garfield comics I have (indeed the only comics I have ever read) and there is a different sequence featuring lasagna. Jim Davis must have been a little obsessed!! The cartoon cheese looks a bit scary though.

cp said...

I remember the days of the magic lasag-nee.. ah year 9, a horrible year, but the lasag-nee was a good joke. oh english my love, thou art as contrary as was the red sea when it didst part.