Thursday, August 23, 2007

woah, big spender? the sushi window incident.

had a freaky (but also amusing) encounter this afternoon. i shared it with vicki via sms and related it to kate and sarah at uni. as i was walking towards my favourite sushi selling shop window on londsdale st before heading back to the uni to help a friend checking through her assignment i got that eerie feeling like someone's watching or more paying too much attention to u. there's this remarkably pig-look-a-like man on the bus somedays too and he gives me the same creepy feeling, cos i felt he was looking at me sometimes, but then thought 'oh no, it's all in my head' but last week one day we happened to be on the same bus again and he was looking at me. so i'd randomly glance up and stare near him and he'd look away.

thankfully he's not someone who likes to catch ur gaze. he really makes me feel quite sick actually. fat and sweaty and piglike. and old. i dont actually know why he stares at me. i hope it's simply cos he thinks my makeup is really bad or something. or maybe its my bright hair. anyway. im one of those people who always watches where other people are looking on the bus, via the use of the reflection in the bus windows. i've done it since yr 6 and i think it's cool. u can watch someone on the opposite side of the bus, while seemingly looking out the window, i.e. the opposite direction to where they are. it's through this that i found mr. piggy was watching me. annoyingly. anyway back to the story of today.

i had that odd feeling where something just doesnt feel right, and glanced to my left where a 30-something businessman of indian looking complexion had quickened his pace to overtake me. as i was in a hurry to go and meet my friend, i also quickened my pace, and being the proudly quick walker i am overtook him quite quickly and finished walking the block to where my sushi shop is. i was umming and ahhing over which type of sushi to get and had just decided, while fishing out my coins when i heard a 'do u want me to to buy that for u?' from just behind my shoulder. in surpise i recognised said business man as the owner of the voice. he'd followed me for a block it seems. i dismissively brushed him aside with a quick, 'oh no, it's alright' and started a conversation with the sushi girl. he didnt get the hint and go away.

actually i had to restrain myself from bursting out laughing at what he'd said cos it's absolutely ludicrous that he offered to pay a whole $1.75 for my sushi roll. HAHAHAHA does this not strike anyone else as hillarious? i've always idolised vicki's tale of her unfortunate date who offered to pay for her salad...and suddenly i had an offer to pay for a sushi! a sushi! hahahaha. im glad i didnt laugh actually, cos that would've been not nice, but im free to laugh and laugh and laugh now.

so i got my sushi and went to walk off, but he decided to try his luck again and asked me to let him take me to lunch. he asked me twice and i dismissed him twice, while trying not to be too rude, cos at least he was asking in a polite way. but no DEFINTELY NOT interested. was rather freaking out of course! so anyways i took my opportunity before he could ask a third time and rushed off to jump on a tram taking my beloved sushi roll with me. many a time through the afternoon i took careful glances around my shoulder just to check there were no more being followed incidents. don't u hate things that make u paranoid in that way??

but yes, that's my random little story from today about the complete stranger who wanted to buy me sushi (woah! big spender) and take me out to lunch... .
..but what i'd like to know is ..'why me???' :~|

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha!!! i am particularly fond of your descriptions of this 'mr piggy'! and i think that line 'do you want me to pay for that' is oh so smooth, especially when reading it in the context of you having been followed by this guy for a block. soo smooth. was there a wink or eye brow raise involved? it's definitely a tip for all men in the area of courtship.... and sure beats simon's violent angular dancing and raising of shirt collar..