Friday, August 31, 2007

dinner and starbucks.

friday night vicki lou, brendan and i made our separate ways into the city, each of us a little later than the other, in order to catch up with lou while she's back from china shortly. surprisingly i arrived first, although i was running late from stopping to buy an umbrella from QV as i'd forgotten my parasol and it began spitting threateningly on my straightened hair. rain however never came it turned out. so $6 poorer i was it seems.

i'd forgotten to tell lou where to meet haha, but thankfully she had her mobile on her so all was well. vicki arrived and we chatted and then met up with lou. to kill some time before meeting up with others for tea vicki and i browsed swimwear. unfortunately for all concerned lou started feeling seriously ill suspiciously around the time both vicki and i were modeling said bikinis. i believe our fashion magazine careers are over before they even had a chance to begin...

kate and daniel messaged to say they too couldnt make it, cos kate was also feeling ill, so we decided we may as well head off to dinner and see how things went. we went to Teppansan on Russel st, which cathy takes the honor of having discovered and ordered a vast array of japanese cuisines from sushi to raw meat and okonomiyaki 'japanese pizza' or rather savoury pancake. sadly lou didnt feel any better as the night went on so she called her dad to come get her, just as brendan arrived. vicki took the oportunity to learn about 'personal' male issues i.e. the topic of discussion was 'what does it feel like to be kicked in the groin?' and had to leave the restaurant in hysterics after witnessing brendan announce something about being kicked in the balls directly in front of the waiter. after she returned brendan continued his poetic description, artfully scripted, detailing the pain 'blossoming'. probably an odd sort of conversation for lou to join in her return to melbourne, but after all we are a bit odd aren't we?

lou's dad arrived and poor lou toddled home. we left teppansan and went to hungry jacks for brendan who hadnt had a chance to eat at teppansan and then loitered for quite some time in an asian supermarket i chanced upon. brendan got some chicken drumstick crumbing powder.

and i bought some strawberry flavoured hello kitty endorsed pocky' (chocolate/ yoghurt coated biscuit sticks for those who arent familiar).

we then ended up at starbucks, where i bought a piece of berry cheesecake, brendan got a coffee and we all sat around upstairs, chatting and taking ridiculous photos of hands clasped in laps,

and coffee cup packaging converted into makeshift binoculars. haha. perhaps we were all a little tired that night.

makes for funny photos though.

vicki also tried her hand at picking her own handbag's lock, and i attempted to not have sleepy eyes in a photo - failed, clearly.

oh, but im wide-awake and slightly psychotically dangerous here.

perhaps it was the cheesecake, i didnt have any caffeine.

i wanted to catch the last bus back home so vicki went off to catch her tram and brendan and i started heading in a general melbourne central direction. i was bewildered by a weird busker in a spacesuit, not really playing music, but kind of robotic dancing with weird sound effects playing.
really really weird. the photo doesnt really do it justice.

anyways off i went home via the bus, and brendan took the train. thus ends the friday night out.

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