Sunday, August 12, 2007


i cant be bothered typing much today, so it shall just be photos mostly. i made brownies today, for the first time ever, during my h/w procrastination. cam was on the computer, and mum and dad went to the island taking mums laptop with them so i had no internet access and hence got a fair bit of h/w done in the end.

but nevertheless here are some brownie pics. im not very familiar with them, but i reckon they taste about right.

p.s. does anyone know if the name brownies has anything to do with the brownies that u find in the bottom of the garden?

i always liked brownies, as in the pixie fairy breed. they're cool. (perhaps it stemmed from poem books by Cicely Mary Barker).

i wanna have an enchanted wood party one day. and i shall serve many a sugary fairy inspired treat. butterfly cup-cakes will be a definite too!


1 comment:

cp said...

I have to say, the end result does look quite perfect to me! maybe the imperfection is more in the dishes.. or the raw egg that always gets on the bench when you crack them.. but it's all perfection in the name of cooking.
guess what! in the name of insanity - or perhaps sanity - I am going to see Michael Leunig talk to I think it's an archbishop at Fed Square at 7:30 on Wednesday morning. Of course there is always the chance that I'll reconsider this at about 6:30 on Wednesday morning, but who knows...