Sunday, April 01, 2007

20 years for Kate!

Kate's 20th birthday gathering was held last friday at the Sushi restaurant in Eltham.

It was a pleasant evening, full of chatter, and Daniel's leehom sticker gazing, (or studying as some would have it, haha, i think i need to remember to bring back a copy of leehom stickers for simon next time), all ending with some very good ferrero roche flavoured icecream at the local pub!

vicki, (english exchange student goes to japan) and heidi (japanese aryan style).

is it just us or a are you only allowed in this store if you're happy?? too bad if its your unlucky day! ohhh, poor daniel can't go in!

the weekend saw me visiting my grandparents house a lot to celebrate various family birthdays. i decided to be the dutiful granddaughter and cook my pa some cakes. a choc-fudge one and a pavlova. the pavlova was a suprising success - really good! (i must take after my nanna).

the choc fudge cake...well, there was a slight mis-hap when i combined the base and upper layers..
but it was incredibly rich and chocolatey nevertheless.

if you want to read it you might need to click to make the photo bigger.

it's been a busy week schoolwork wise for me, but it's all over with now. classes have finished just in time for the Easter break. i have 1 week write several essays, memorise several speaking test dialogues, visit or spend time with relatives, and make an effort to be social on top of all that! we'll see how i go.

starting tomorrow i need to clean my room too... you can tell it's the year of the pig if you take a look at my bedroom floor -it's absolutely covered in clothes and paper and shoes and handbags and books and an assortment of other junk, randomly and haphazardly arranged in a delicate state of disarray!

dad is building me a random mini book case to sit under my desk. yay. it should help for storage. and then he's re-doing the inside of my wardrobe too, so i'll have some nice shelves to put clothes and bags and things. double yay!


cp said...

let's take some ice to heat the sea up haha.
i love you heidi, more cooking misadventures please. i'm considering starting a site solely about my culinary adventures/misadventures, in fact you, sarah, kate and i could share a blogspot about that. quite funny. what do you think?

cp said...

Oh heidi you are coming back today. I am writing a list of stuff I want to take to Phillip Island.. as in, stuff I need to buy. I can't wait to show you my battle wounds from attempting to run to the gym yesterday.. I fell over, flat on my face. More permanent damage was done to the ipod on my hip than to my person but I believe my person felt slightly more pain and shock, so now my hands, knees, hip and elbow are bandaged up with blood everywhere and it's very dramatic. Should be looking relatively normal by Thursday but still. you should see it!! I'm impressed with myself.
ALso, please leave me a comment on my blog because I am going on it way too much and it looks really good but there are no comments on it!!
love cathy (2 days till phillip island)

Anonymous said...

Oooo thankyou for the blog on my birthday - how honoured i feel! Haha i look quite terrible in that photo though, but oh well. The cake looks nice haha - much better than those certain muffins that lacked eggs haha - i will never forget! Hopefully i will see you soon,
love kate