Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday, not the 13th.

as cathy pointed out very early last Saturday morning, the day before we'd had a friday the 13th! luckily nothing bad happened for me! but damn, it would have made a great night to listen to Stevie Wonder 'Superstition'. too late now. haha, i wonder how often friday the 13ths come around? I'll bet someone out there's done a study on it! if anyone else is curious about it feel free to research and let me know... ooh vicki you could message michael and ask him, haha!

but alas (or not al
as?) this week today is not friday the 13th. it's friday the 20th, and it's very nearly Saturday the 21st. which reminds me i have some library books due back on wednesday..which is also anzac day...should make some cookies...

and now we are th
oroughly off track, so let's stay off track by changing the topic. today started off with me waking early, at about 10am. i think mum and cameron were being loud hence my i was awoken from my attempted sleep in.

despite initial procrastination, and the temptations
of watching dvds and other wonderful distractions, i decided to try and relieve the constant ebbing of stress at the back of my mind by tackling some of my assignments. their due dates are still several weeks away but i have a constant uneasy feeling about them. i want to get them out of the way.

my main probl
em has been this. for my japanese one we haven't really learnt enough grammar structures to be able to create relevant sentences for my 200words on the history of the kimono (a topic i perhaps stupidly chose myself). im not alone in this, a few of my classmates have asked me how on earth we're meant to write when we dont know how to make sentences. ...pfft! just a slight setback!

but around lunchtime i sat down and finally poured my concentration into it, and i think i slow
ly got somewhere. i think im now a 3rd of the way through, and feel like i've got the hang of it. i've compiled likely sentence word orders by combining grammar rules from chinese and what we've learnt so far in japanese. sounds risky i know, but i think it should work. i'll try and finish the rest before next thursday and get my teacher to check it. yay. feeling more at ease already!

i ran out of time to work on the second assignment today, which is my calligraphy essay. and
the problem with that ne is that i just haven't definitely picked my topic. im tossing up between 2 related topics, but i possibly cant find all the relevant information i should have, so i probably should change topics. we'll see.

however calligraphy wise i did get some practical work done. i'd completely forgotten during my week long holiday that i was supposed to do some calligraphy work to hand in,
so i was a good girl today and did 2 sheets, so i can hand them in on tuesday.
yay. productiveness pu
ts me in a good mood!

in the afternoon, following leo's suggestion i made a cake...
or rather lots of cakes. mini ones - yay! mini and cute is always more fun.
in a few minutes im planning to try and do a bit more on my japanese assignment writing, get more of it out of the way. i thought of going to bed at 9pm, which probably would have been wise 'cause i could get into a good routine (oh well, i shall try it for the next 2 nights) but then i thought 'no, i'll do some more of the jap'. possibly is the right decision after all. but it'll be even righter (is that a word??) if i actually stop blogging and do it. so farewell, i leave you to gaze in envy, (or jealousy perhaps) at my mini cakes. mwahaha!

P.S. they taste pretty good with ice-cream.


kate said...

MMMmmm I am salivating over your cakes haha. lalala and now i should really go and do something constructive - like my french essay which is due tomorrow! arghh!
love kate

Anonymous said...

there seems to be little variation in my comments on people's blogs haha, but cakes!!!! i'm looking forward to the anzac cookies :) love daniel
ps i'm sorry if he hit you with a full can of Coke