Friday, October 05, 2007

a beautiful spring afternoon

oh! it's suddenly started raining! it's been such a beautiful, warm summery day, and now just as the sun was thinking about setting it's started raining - what a surprise!

i had a long sleep-in today, as it's my day off and i've been exhausted every day this week, and then i leisurely took my time getting ready and went to Eastland shopping center by bus.

all the shops are pretty boring at the moment! i keep waiting for the clothes and things to jump out at me, but nothing takes my fancy really. well, occasionally there's something alright - but it's usually accompanied by a very evil multiple digit price-tag.

i did however stumble my way into kmart, and almost accidentally, I ended up buying a pair of tatami-mat thongs. i've had a liking for tatami mat shoes for about 8 years i think, but i never actually had a pair. guess they were one of those things i'd just look at, and keep putting off actually buying.

but yes, i passed a rack they were on amongst the ugliest looking 'summer footwear' u have ever seen, with a big sign saying there was 20% of all the the expensive $6 tatami-mat thongs turned out to be $4 or something. haha.

they're good actually. because they will solve the problem i've been having of having no 'summery' shoes, that aren't bright white, or blue, and these are nice and soft and wont cut my feet. im quite pleased with my unexpected buy!

so pleased i came home and did the dishes, put on the dishwasher and did a load of washing. (parents are away yet again, in case u hadnt guessed). which reminds me, i keep planning to have a korean movie afternoon... i wonder if people are free for sunday afternoon?? maybe its too late notice... hmmm, we shall see.

i cooked an interesting dinner last night. it was crepes with a savory mushroom sauce. was quite cool to prepare, only i stupidly burnt the knuckle of my left index finger on the side of the fry-pan. ouch!

i love my bright green jade bangle from katrina's mum. it's so gorgeous! i really love the brightness of the green.

as soon as i saw it in the cold jade factory i knew it was the one i liked best! there's no word to describe that shade of green except 'brilliant'. now that's its warm t-shirt weather i should be wearing it more often. pretty!

im dying my hair again tomorrow, and teaching linda to make biscuits, cos they've never used their oven before! haha. and it's biscuits because i discovered that linda is a kindred spirit, another self-confessed biscuit addict! ^_^

okay, i should go hang the washing on racks, and then i should take a look at my new linguistics assignment, and try and make a good dent in it before tomorrow. maybe i'll watch a korean movie too, actually. lou recommended a good one for me the other day with lots of our fave actors/actresses in it! good, sounds like a good evening in!

1 comment:

cp said...

thanks so much for your comment heidi. i was feeling quite unloved. had decided the lack of comments meant nobody wanted to come to my recital and therefore everyone was remaining shadily silent.
haha nice C-pop if that is what chinese pop is called and if this is chinese.
did you encounter much traditional chinese music over there? i don't think i ever asked but i have been wondering coz of that old guy with the chinese violin out the front of the national gallery.