Monday, October 01, 2007

thanks kate, thanks cathy ^_^ my mood has indeed lifted and all, all is well.
alas the holiday is at an end, though i already skipped my jap lecture today, cos i'd read the lecture notes and nothing of note was being discussed anyway, and i finally stopped procrastinating and squeezed out a terrible article for my jap writing piece to re-write on thursday. as long as i write something is all that matters though, and it more or less covers the topic so i should be fine.

the long awaited exam timetable has come out and just as i'd predicted language exams are indeed at the end of the examination period. unforeseen though, they are at the very end!! as in, the 2nd last day of the exam period. quite irritating as i'd been hoping for an early escape off to china-land, but ah, it's probably a good thing really. a friend of mine's been checking out the housing situation for me and there seems to be an opening in my previous apartment building where some korean people are moving out on the 20th november. i'd been thinking that would probably be too late, but i guess it will be perfect now, seeing as my final exam is on the 21st!

unfortunately prices have been raising...almost double what i payed last year!!! i would like something a bit cheaper. hmmmm. i shall have to discuss it with parentals i believe. and who knows, something else may turn up. early days yet.
and also i might get to enjoy a touch of warm-ish beachy weather this way too. who knows? haha

ooh, everyone should let me know if ur exams finish well before mine, i really shouldnt promise anything as exams are only 1 month away(!), and i do intend to study for them, yes, japanese will require a LOT of study it seems, linguistics too probably - but that's over and done with quick - in the first week, but perhaps with my later date of departure we will be able to organise a P.I. trip, even if just for a weekend. so yes, check your exam dates and we shall dream and discuss...

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will."
- Jawaharal Nehru


Anonymous said...

Hey heidi :)
im glad you are feeling better.
My last exam is on the 15th woot - but thats my only one so i shooould theoretically be able to go away haha - we shall see, essays might be a problem...
love kate

cp said...

woohoo!!! believe it or not, i actually wrote that rain post here in lovely parkville, where the kitchen currently smells like cleaning products and shoe polish and i can hear spray cans being shaken and someone just burped. ha. i wrote it last week, as you may observe.
as for PI, i am so incredibly up for that, waving a flag and such. anytime after cup day.. i finish on the 1st and then it's grandma's 80th on the 4th and i'm freeeee...
only 3 more weeks of classes :D