Monday, July 09, 2007

the beautiful natural

a week or two ago someone asked me what my favourite flower was. it's one of those questions that comes up form time to time, usually in the form of surveys on the computer. but i actually had to stop and think before i answered. what was my one favourite flower??

like with anything, it's quite hard to narrow things down to just one favourite. i cant do it with food, fruit, or colours. numbers is probably the only thing i can narrow down to just one favourite. hence i have given some thought and i have now decided on a short list of favourites among flowers/ plants. in the past on different occasions i would give different answers. compared together i cant choose, hence they're all favourites. (not in pref order)


bamboo's an intriguing plant isnt it? so different to other trees? and full of uses esp among asian cultures. i love the bright and beautiful green.

i imagine forests and forests of it. aside from the insects which are sure to lurk there (and all should know i do hate insects, even ladybirds. butterflies and dragonflies are the too tolerable species, though even they push their luck if they're too close) i'd love to walk through a giant bamboo forest like these.

japanese maple:

the autumn colours of these trees are stunning aren't they? i think the japanese maple trees are very slender and delicate. i dont normally like the colour orange for anything, but its beautiful on this plant.

cherry blossom/ sakura:

another japanese favourite. from a distance they can look like a giant fairy floss tree, but up close the flowers are so pretty!! they photograph well. unusual for me i think i prefer the white variety best.

oriental/ stargazer lily:

there are lots of types of lillies, of them i love oriental or stargazer lillies as they're called. they're so bright and pretty. clearly you can tell the pink and white lilies are my favourites.

water lillies too are quite gorgeous. as an after thought they shall become part of the lily entry. dad took these photos at one of the Imperial Gardens in china. aren't they beautiful!! i think we're getting one blown up and framed.


i love this flower only in the variety of that blue/purple colour that's hard to know at times if it is blue or indeed purple. i think when the flower is closed it looks best, and bluest, but when it opens its much more purple. always nice in a big bunch.


yes, boring choice i know. but actually roses are unquestionably beautiful. i like the fuller roses which have more tightly knit petals, layers and layers of petals overlapping together. coming in so many colours and shade variations, they all look quite pretty but pink, deep red and white are most beautiful in my opinion esp amongst deep green colours. im not really partial to blue, yellow, lavendar or fuscia ones, but occasionally there's an outstanding one of these colours.

so now we all know my favourite plants/ flowers. wasnt that interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh they are all so beautiful! i think my favourite flower is the forget-me-not - because they used to spring up in my old garden in the most surprising places and they are so cute, but i also love roses and peonies and freesias and sweetpeas and most trees haha- oak trees and birches, and eucalyptous and maples and jacaranders and pine trees ... the list goes on :> i think i better write some blogs!
love kate