Friday, March 16, 2007


first things first. another week has gone by and i've had seemingly less problems with uni - that's good. still got a few timetable issues with japanese class but should be ok. onto other stuff ... on tuesday i got home and was greeted by a wonderful surprise. my boxes!!

my stuff from china has arrived, and many months earlier than expected. it was meant to take 3-6months to ship, but it only took 1! wow! so now my mum is washing lots of clothes and air-ing the smoke-smell out of lots of boots. haha.

other stuff. for some reason i started looking through some photobooks the other day so i decided i should do a post about me! lol. well, it is my blog afterall! so yes without further ado i present......


yes i have shrunk a little, and no i am not a boy - i'm wearing a dress, can't u see?!

aww. cute? looking at this picture all i can think of is a doll. i look like a little kid's doll! how scary! ... perhaps im beginning to understand why the chinese people say i look like a wa-wa (doll).

think i blame the hair... looks too porcelain doll-ish. though the style is basically the same, the colouring of it now is a lot more barbie meets porcelain doll. i love the chinese mothers who liked to point at me and say to their little daughters 'oh look! it's barbie! just like your one at home!'. ... excuse me, but my chest is a reasonable size and no part of me is made from plastic! the hair may be the same colour but that is where all similarity ends.

onwards! i'm a school girl yay! and what a good student - im reading books haha!

ah the days of long hair, how pretty! its below my chest and down to my elbows!! wish i had long hair like that now! so pretty! hair grows too slowly!

lets skip say 10 years, and suddenly we're at the age of sweet sixteen, debutante time!

i'd forgotten how beautiful that dress was! and white gloves - so classy! haha

lets skip another 4 years and we're up to date.
this was my graduation day from Liao Ning uni, and yes i was crazily wearing a halter dress in -18*C weather!
think there was even some snow left on the ground that day too! and being me, i was of course late getting ready for the ceremony, so 9am saw me sprinting my arse off down the street to get to the uni on time! got a reasonable amount of extra stares that day!


cp said...

I remember you telling me that story about getting mixed up with 9am or pm and sprinting down the street in the dress. was there a coat involved or is that my memory playing tricks? anyway nice to see the aforementioned dress. oh and thanks for posting all 3 comments on my blog you evil poo! i was like :O 3 comments, i'm suddenly popular! but on realising they were all from the same person, i've suddenly got my very own stalker. hahaha. nah good to know you're watching my blog heidi.
oh and what's this comment moderation business? most peculiar. however i am flattered that all my comments up till now have made it through the heidi filter.

... Heidi ...海华 said...

i also noticed the comment moderation thing, as yes i have to approve them all before they show up.. quite annoying actually. think it did it automatically, however im sick of it, so shall hunt for a way to switch it off! glad to know someone reads my blog too, lol!