Friday, March 02, 2007


today has been both a good day and a bad day for various reasons. We'll start with the good. Today was good because a) i didn't have to wake up early, b) i didnt have to go to uni, c) i got lots of SMSes to make me feel popular and c) every friday will be like this, more or less, cos i get a long weekend every weekend. yay!

and now for the bad. one, the weather has suddenly decided to be all difficult and turn hot again, just when i'd been able to enjoy a few cool but no-where-near-cold days. two, i've had a bad case of indecisiveness and 'i've-got-nothing-to-do-to-amuse-me syndrome', three im already putting off uni work and four, i've now already wasted an entire free-friday. boo!

but back to the good. i had a good convo with leo earlier on the phone and online, and i discovered lots of chocolate chips in the cupboard so i cooked chocolate muffins which are very gooey and melt in your mouth!
and now im considering watching a movie, some random highschool setting dancing movie about ballroom meets hip-hop or something stupid. no doubt will be quite gay and teeny but as all gay/ teeny things enjoyable none the less!

and now for a few cooking photos, just for the sake of having photos. lol. how silly!

but dont u just love licking the spoon? surprisingly i dont actually usually do that anymore. discipline or folly? you decide, haha

and into the oven they go! yumm! i'd like to take this moment to state how much i do love ovens. ovens are a wonderful invention, and their uses are varied. but almost always it leads to delicious or worthwhile food.

its quite sad that ovens are so few in number in china. but then again chinese cooking itself is delicious, and therefore i would probably trade having an oven for having chinese food on a regular basis anyway, as in i'd rather the chinese food (but disregard that fact if you please, as i am trying to give ovens a plug here!). however either way, an oven was sorely missed during my time away, and it's nice to be reacquainted with him again!

and i hereby vow that one day eventually i will have an oven in a house that belongs to me in china, (or at least one im renting for a long period of time, and dont worry i intend to have one in australia too), and there will be cookies and cakes of many wonderous kinds which all the chinese people will first gasp at, in shock at there inaugural appearance and then later probably wrinkle up their noses in distaste claiming 'uugh! it's too sweet!!' but, mwuahahaha, i shall enjoy it regardless. so yes, that's my little rant and rave about ovens ... and now ... its time to end this.

1 comment:

leila said...

This is a comment to all of tyour blogs!! I'm loving them Heidi, but slow down a little!! I cant keep up, and with all the lovely pictures I feel my blog is ugly! lol
I too was amazed by the greenness and such of Melbourne, and also how few people there were!! Agh the joys of suprises of rediscovering home!
I missed ovens in China to, and more importantly the produce from them... i sympathise with your rant.
Happy Birthday Leo!!
And happy new years to everyone in China, i too heard of the excitements there!
Enjoy putting of Uni and wasting days Heidi, happens to all of us!