Monday, March 03, 2008

this late already?!

eeek!! it is 1am already and i have got class tomorrow, starting at 12 i know, but i stupidly agreed to meet leo's nephew (turns out he's a nephew not a cousin) at 11 and stupid doncaster being way out with no train station i have to wake up at 8:30am!! oh woo! 8:30am how terrible i know, but im actually serious. i dont sleep well these nights and today i got up at 9am and had a headache the whole morning.

and alas my staying up late was all in vain because i am no closer to finding a better/ closer/ less crowded/ convenient homestay for leo's nephew or even an apartment in the cbd or nearby. ...argh!! what to do? i shall check out the noticeboard in union house tomorrow, but im not really expecting much...please oh please let me be pleasantly surprised....

though probably homestay is a better option anyway, cos i have a sneaking feeling he'll know next to nothing about cooking his own dinners. he keeps asking me every few days 'so, what do u eat at university??' i keep telling him bread, or sushi or pasta or salad. but it seems he's skeptical cos he keeps asking, obviously hoping for a different answer!

*sigh* why do i land myself the responsibility of trying to mend this housing situation?? i just wanna get things fixed and smoothed over asap, especially 'cause s i dont want it all being related back to china that melbourne is a crap and inconvenient city with rude unfriendly (homestay) people! damn u silly homestay people!

p.s. had a nice day with kate and cathy at the docklands...i shall post about it tomorrow maybe....

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