Saturday, March 01, 2008

there and back again.

been to china once more, and clearly seeing as im once again on blogger, i am back again.

i've been tossing up whether or not i should try and put all my emails and a few photos up as blog entries to make up for the last few months and the time i've been away. possibly i will,...but i'm lazy so i havent actually finished writing the final 2 emails yet!! perhaps i will write this entry first and then slip the emails and photos in chronologically prior to this one. that sounds reasonable enough.

okay! well, cathy's probably been wondering why i hadnt posted up photos from (tuesday, was it??) our get together last week. liz cooked biscuits which were originally going to be yo-yos, but she ran out of time to ice them before she had to go out. so biscuits they remained.

and we cooked a banana loaf (or two!). well i was being all camera snap-happy as usual, but this time using my new phone!! (a useful and thoughtful valentines from leo!)

however! the delay in uploading came from the fact that i hadnt worked out how to transfer the photos from phone to computer! haha, never thought i'd be feeling technologically challenged, but anyway in the end i worked it out!

so here are some of the photos.

hope you're not reading on an empty stomach!

mmmm. yumm!

okay, the second reason for delay is an even sillier one. i'd forgotten my blog login and password!!

after several very unsuccessful attempts and me on the verge of resetting the entire password for my account i decided to actually read the error message, and saw that 'oh, im using the wrong email address aparently'...seems my login is not my hotmail address as i'd thought. so! 3 unsuccessful password attempts using my heidimail email and i finally got in! hooray.


some other news while im online. these days im very very bored. but...

i've finished harry potter now.

im excited about reading the next obernewtyn book (thanks cathy!)

im not really all that thrilled about starting uni. (am i meant to be?)

i bought a new hot pink dress! (shopping with cathy at the Pines)

and even hotter pink shoes! (shopping with louise at Bridge rd)

also today is leo's lunar birthday! i.e. the one he and his family celebrate

though the poor baby has to buy his own birthday cake cos his mum didnt have time!

and i've now driven twice in 1 week, and dodged kangaroos from warrandyte both times.

(dad took the photos).

yep, me behind the wheel ... what is the world coming to??

(some people may feel amused to know that each time we go for a drive i still have to ask my dad at some stage, 'now, which one is the brake and the accelorator again??')

final note: i have no idea what to get simon for 21st...any ideas??

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