Thursday, September 06, 2007

Motorola Melbourne Spring Fashion Show

wednesday 5th september in true heidi fashion i was running late getting ready as loren came to pick me up on her way to the Motorola Spring Fashion Festival, most likely due to too many hours sitting on the computer (oh, how very unlike me!).

we got away without too many dramas, and made alright time getting to the city. we'd been told to 'dress well' on the invitations so i took the opportunity to wear some new heels which i got the day before at an unexpected trip to bridge rd, during what should have been my busiest day of classes. only $10...can u believe it.

and they're lace up straps. so so cool. my dream shoes haha.

also got these cool looking winter-y shoes too. down from $ $10. 'twas my lucky day! ;-) im yet to wear them out somewhere. i think they'll probably need some walking in before i do that. i dont fancy sore feet.

anyway back to the fashion show. i discovered im not used to stiletto heels, and tall ones at that. walking down hills in any high heel is always a bit of a challenge, but, haha i felt quite ridiculous tottering along at a snail pace very precariously down the hills of the city in these silly little things. but im still in love with them. i believe im fairly used to them now too. but i still dont wanna go tackling too many downhills in the near future haha. things could go horridly wrong! i count myself lucky that i survived the fashion show night with them. haha

so yes. we arrived at the Melbourne Town Hall which is one of those buildings which i've always seen, but doubt i've ever been in, and generally seem to ignore the fact that it actually exists. have to say though the inside is not too shabby.

luckily vicki had bought some more credit for her phone during the day, so she was able to tell us she was going to be late. an evil and unsuccessful trip to the doctors for her recently broken finger was unfortunately the cause. never the less she got there in the end, in a mighty good effort, only 15mins late!

we grabbed our tickets and headed on in, only to perplex the ushers with the fact that we were supposed to be in the VIP seating but (due to not wanting to disturb the other VIPs ?) had to send us up to the balcony seating as the show had already started. we didnt really care at first, as long as u can see the show, and still get a little showbag of goodies. and actually i think it was probably a blessing that we were on the balcony cos it gave us the freedom to talk during the show, which would've driven the VIPs crazy, as we would've done it anyway im sure, despite their very sombre and stern appearance. they weren't even taking any photos. pfft! silly people.

some of the outfits were quite cool, and some were quite odd, as any good catwalk show has! my favourite was the girl who had a big bag slung around her neck or shoulder containing leafy bouquets that looked suspiciously like potplants. she proceeded to accidentally drop one of the leafy bunches, and so the next model had to pick it up on his exit. haha.

alas i dont have many photos of the evening, cos i actually spent all my time taking videos of the show. figured it was better than photos which would be blurry and bad lighting.

after the show i spotted my friend kyla and two of her friends as we were all leaving the Town hall, so we got together outside and chatted for a bit.

some guy gave us all long stem roses which was nice. and of course we took some photos to show off our nice outfits.

this red dress of kyla's is also from bridge rd. its reassuring that occasionally good stuff can be found there. sometimes it can be quite a challenge.

the night wove on and we decided we'd better be getting home. i had to do some last minute study for my japanese composition piece test which was unfortunately at 9am the following morning. thankfully it went well, i finished early and hence left early. yay for memorising entire short writing pieces before u go in! ;-)

we said byebye to kyla, and then to vicki with her poor broken finger, and then loren dropped me home again. once home i promptly set to discovering what sorts of goodies had been in the showbag and it actually wasnt too bad.

got a few samples of shampoos and eyecreams and things. and a wonderfully over large bottle of flower essence water designed especially 'for women' haha. simple water (for a moment ignoring the flower essences) designed with women in mind - whatever will they think of next??


Anonymous said...

wow our very own water! i'm quite impressed - who would have thought! all this time i have been simply drinkig ordinary, common, male tainted water lol. Ahh showbags and wacky clothes - what more do you want from a night out i ask you?! Ohh we should go shopping together, i need some jeans, and i believe op shops are calling...

love kate

cp said...

oh dear. it seems my internet has been hiding your last 2 posts from me for the entirety of september. i have been faithfully checking every time i'm online and gone hm, that's disappointing, no post, but it was just that the computer didn't show it to me. reveal thy secrets mysterious machine!
cool f ashion stuff.