Wednesday, September 19, 2007

a yummy milkshake.

during my bout of boredom today i decided to do something i haven't done for a very very very long time.
use the blender and make a milkshake!

luckily in the fridge we had a punnet of strawberries, and the freezer conveniently held a tub of vanilla icecream...

mix it together with some milk with the hand mixer thing and voila!

a strawberry flavoured milkshake!

usually i would do a banana milkshake, but we didn't seem to have any bananas, and the strawberries looked a good alternative.

i was surprised though...i discovered strawberry flavoured milk actually does taste quite similar to real strawberries blended with milk! i always thought that 'strawberry' flavour was really just a pseudo flavour. ah well. it was nice, and fresh anyway!

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