Saturday, September 29, 2007


depressed again.....

...called leo and managed to get him feeling a bit depressed too.... argh... what a horrible person i am! ... why do i always go out of my way to drag him down too?

i dont even know why im like this...just an ongoing bad mood..combined with insomnia and lack of sleep shall pass soon enough. class will start again soon and i might even do some much needed schoolwork. but in the meantime, melodramatic depression and procrastination goes on.

Friday, September 28, 2007

oh dear! >.<

i think i've fallen in love a second time
(while still in love from the first time, mind you!)...



this time it's ... a woman??! :-s hahaha

Bae Seul Ki/ Bae Seul Gi.


a korean singer i think, though im not entirely sure.

such a pretty dress!

+ cool fashion sense!

i particularly like those shoes!

i'd be smiling too, if i had a face as pretty as that!

cute...maybe from a korean-drama series...?

how does one become so pretty?

...the wonders of plastic surgery i guess... is wildly popular in korea... among the general public as well as the stars...

what a strange and disturbing thing! ...

Monday, September 24, 2007

a day at the beach.

following a rather bizarre dream i had one morning (i believe my bizarre dreams of late are a result of waking up and then sleeping through my alarm each morning) wherein vicki, kate and i were off on a tram-led adventure to find a particular beach and ended up in a dodgy little wooden rowboat amongst a whole crowd of total strangers etc etc; i was overcome with the desire to spend a day at the beach, or rather a city beach.

predicting less than desirable beach weather, but our spirits not dampened in the slightest by that prospect, vicki and i set off for our adventure last thursday, on the 20th of sept. haha, sounds ominous doesnt it.

actually it turned out to be a really fun day. we started off by both arriving late to the meeting spot at flinders clocks, i was late due to myself, and an argument with my mum about how i was late, so worried about holding vicki up i got my brother to drop me at a station on his way to uni. but as things worked out vicki's tram was slow and late so i had time to get a bit of phone credit and then we met half an hour later than originally planned.

we jumped on a tram (luckily vicki knew which one and from where) at started on our way to st. kilda beach and acland street, eagerly anticipating the beach and gelati.

alas we got off a stop too soon, and then took a scenic route down acland street, and then we were so in the mood of walking down the street we ended up walking too far and had to trek across a football field to get back into the general direction of the beach. haha. it's amazing how u can lose something as big as the ocean!

eventually we got to the beach, but alas couldnt find the promised gelati shop!! we wondered around some more and then decided we'd settle on the beach first,and then get something to eat later.

surprisingly, (or maybe not so surprisingly) we were the only people on the beach except for a small family (of maybe korean people?). the weather wasnt good, but it wasnt that bad!!

i admit the sky looked a bit dark and cloudy, but it wasnt raining, and there was sunshine.

we braved the icy water with our toes just long enough to agree that it was icier than phillip island waters in winter and that no, contrary to previous plans we would not be charging in, in our clothes, so we went back to my cool beach bag and our stuff.

we took some memorabilia photos, trying to make our day at the beach look as fantasic and 'beach-weatherish' as possible, despite the contrasting clouds haha.

i believe we managed to pull it off to a certain extent!

we built a sandcastle without the use of wet-sand, and had a shell hunt so we could decorate it. i accidentally demolished one of our watchtowers by putting the beach towel on it...something vicki is yet to forgive me for....

we checked out the pier and found some interesting involving brendan and some girl declaring their love and another which i found quite interesting/ unique.

it reads 'i love Dim Sim' if im not mistaken. is that actually someone's name?? i mean, i love dim-sims too, but not enough to write it everywhere!

and then we spotted a nearby building across the road had a man abseiling down the outside of the building.

vicki was later inspired when we discovered this rope at the pier.

likewise, we were inspired by this photo off leila's blog, her greece entry.

i was rather disturbed the afternoon i looked at the enlarged version of the photo and realised leila's left leg is missing and her pant leg seems to be empty and blowing happily in the wind. vicki was also a touch concerned when i pointed it out to her.

so, we decided to try a re-enactment, to see just how easy or difficult it is for this sort of shot to be done.

hmmmm ... not quite as natural as leila's ...

at last we decided we vicki had fasted long enough and off to acland street we returned. we were tempted by smoothies (banana , and mixed berries) and then got some chips from a fish + chips shop. twice quite yumm!

vicki had a job interview to go to in the late afternoon (at a poledancing school! 'pole princess' woo! haha. the position was for a receptionist lol, not as exciting as what first comes to mind, ey? but still sounds cool), so we decided to jump on a tram back to the city.

while we were waiting for a tram we must've been talking about danceclubs cos something came up about bird mating dances, and this freaky old man appeared out of no-where grinning and telling us 'i heard that!'. i was most dismayed when i noticed he was getting on the same tram as us, so i made vicki sit right up the front of the tram, as far away as possible as we could from the old man. haha

this however, turned out to our advantage, because.... we had an almost driver-eye view of the trip back to the city!

this is of course a reference to a hillarious dvd product i found on ebay last week, which i'd shared with vicki over msn. basically it's a movie of the 96 tram route, taken from a drivers eye view, the blurb of which is written up mighty well. u can really get a taste of the excitement involved, u can 'hear all the bumps and rattles', and watch a car 'do a u-turn in front of the tram' etc etc. it's quite funny. i recommend u all go and read it. it's not nearly as good when i quote it, cos u dont get the big colourful fonts!

so vicki and i entertained ourselves watching a 'live show' of the 96 tram route, hearing all the bumps and rattles, along with the whining of the breaks, and i think the driver of the tram was getting a bit pissed off cos i noticed he jumped in fright every time i let off a shriek of laughter. i guess it can be a bit ear piercing at times.

i tried my hand at filming my very own video drivers eye footage of the journey, but it didnt work properly... so i contented myself by filming out the window instead. looked pretty cool actually!! like a panoramic movie, sped up!

oh, this random pipe was on one the other side of the beach, on the other side of the pier, we thought it looked a bit phallic, hence we avoided it haha.

we went to one of vicki's most hated spots, spencer st station (if she evers gets depressive and goes missing for several days at a time i've been told that that's the likely place she would try to commit suicide), and took a tram back to the city. vicki then went off to kew for her interview and i had a quick browse of the shops and then went home too.

felt pretty tired after it all, but i believe the adventure was well worth the effort! plus, i can now make a 'passengers eye view' 96 tram route dvd and post it on ebay. pity the other dvd didnt seem to be selling all that well.....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

a yummy milkshake.

during my bout of boredom today i decided to do something i haven't done for a very very very long time.
use the blender and make a milkshake!

luckily in the fridge we had a punnet of strawberries, and the freezer conveniently held a tub of vanilla icecream...

mix it together with some milk with the hand mixer thing and voila!

a strawberry flavoured milkshake!

usually i would do a banana milkshake, but we didn't seem to have any bananas, and the strawberries looked a good alternative.

i was surprised though...i discovered strawberry flavoured milk actually does taste quite similar to real strawberries blended with milk! i always thought that 'strawberry' flavour was really just a pseudo flavour. ah well. it was nice, and fresh anyway!

Monday, September 17, 2007


i figure this is a bit similar to the previous post so im just adding a quick note.

i just stumbled across these two bedroom decoration pics.... how pretty and pink and cute they look! i wish my room looked like that haha. but then again. my room is alright, and besides i have far to much junk and clutter to be able to have a room that looks like these, but oh so pretty!

perhaps if i ever have a daughter then at least while she is young and without a say i can decorate the room to look like this. mawahaha. and then she will grow up to be like me and absolutely hate the majority of pink simply because her mother liked hot pink and frequently dressed her in hot pink elasticized trackkie pants and windcheaters (how do u spell that? am iright and it's derived from 'cheating' the wind?!!).

but then look what's happened to me sometime in the latter years of my life, i have done a total flip and am now obsessed and in love with pink, mostly that sickly shade of barbie pink,
it's strange the way tastes and opinions chop and change....

(have u all seen that gorgeous pink loreal tram going up and down swanston st??? i love it!!!).

hehe just discovered this website has photos of all the different colourful trams that run with their different advertisments etc. quite interesting. i never realised melbourne had so many unique trams about.

imagine if i ever learnt to drive, and had enough money to buy a new car... normally i would say a pink car would be too much. but actually metallic pink is a totally different story.

i have absolutely no qualms about driving something the colour of this. ^_^ oh, who ever knew to be so materialistic can be so fun!

warmer weather and lost opportunities.

while im on a roll of finishing off late blogposts which i've thought about several times but managed to put off each time an opportunity arose, perhaps i have decided that i shall do them now. or at least, make a good dent in one of them.
(yes, you guessed it right, am i currently meant to be working on an assignment...well two in fact, but one has a sooner deadline than the other, however i believe the state i last left it in about 2 weeks ago was a moderately-close-to-finished sort of state).

another note...i just realised something intriguing via typo which i doubt was actually planned, but then again blogger may surprise me. blogspot is simply blogpost with letters rearranged. *gasp!!!*

moving on. as i sit here in my purple tshirt styled tshirt (dont ask me when a tshirt is not a tshirt cos the explanation shall get a little confusing) u know the slightly less, oh im not going to get into this. ok so i am sitting in my purple tshirt with happy bananna lolly yellow coloured writing across it that just says 'french' with mini love heart 'i' dots, over the non existant letter 'i's in the word french floating at random intervals over the word. confused yet? haha. im not going to help u out cos i cant be bothered taking a photo of said tshirt while im wearing it, and hence u shall just have to imagine.

sitting here as i've quoted maybe 3 times already, in my purple tshirty tshirt (sidenote: did anyone used to watch Teabag?? with the boy called tshirt in it haha. that was a cool show though i seriously dont remember any of it!)
now back to my tshirt which really isnt of any significance to anything. what i started off trying to express is the fact that the weather has gotten sufficiently warmer... and hence i have no doubt missed any small opportunity i ever started out with in australia to wear...






my Hello Kitty earmuffs! hahaha

but seriously, how cute are they! i had thought that melbourne's winter was actually a lot colder than it's turned out to be, so originally i thought i could easily get away with wearing them on the street - but really the need never came up!

i put it down to the ability to be able compare the feeling of
here where u know you're 'frozen' by the cold feeling slowly seeping into your bones and making u shiver uncontrollably, with the other 'face going numb and hands hurting from sheer cold, and how wonderfully warm it feels simply to be wearing a pretty cotton mask across your nose mouth and cheeks, at the same time fretting about what affect your breath's rising condensation escaping from the top of the mask will have on your non-waterproof mascara as your eyelashes are coated with tiny droplets from the steam. poetic? yes. annoying? yes, also.

did i mention feet are numb? even more difficult to navigate uneven chinese footpaths in high heeled boots when u cant feel anything from your ankles down. buying anything in a market becomes an absolute nuisance because the thought of taking off a glove to try and fish out some coins is almost too much to bear. as much as u think the gloves are crap and do not keep u warm at all anyway, there is SUCH a difference between having something, and nothing on. enough whinging. truth be told i enjoy almost every minute of that kind of winter. go July babies! and snow and iceskating are extra bonuses to it all ^_^

and so the rest of this post will be devoted to my collection of Hello Kittyness acquired in China over the last year. haha

somehow upon returning to melbourne i discovered somewhere along the line that i no longer had any pink handbags! which was really bizarre seeing as about 8 out of 10 new items in my wardrobe would all be pink! hence i took to stealing mum's pale pink handbag, instead of buying my own and lamenting the loss of my 2-3 hello kitty bags which i did have at some points during the year... think 2 eventually broke, from my having used as book carrying bags (a big mistake for any bag u love dearly!! ) alas, their soft pale pink leather just couldnt take it. i know i almost bought the same design bag again at one market, but i didnt want to pay as much as i'd originally payed (i was incredibly stingy in my bargaining at that time of year) and hence never battled enough to buy it. i believe i shall bring back an abundance of pink or hello kitty handbags this time though.

this is a quite similar bag to one of the ones i had, so u can just imagine. ^_^

the first of my hello kitty wardrobe! this was intended for wearing as pjs i think, cos it was on the rack of a underwear shop in Tai Yuan Jie, which is a really cool underground shopping plaza near the center of the city (really really close to where louise now lives!). as with all singlet tops sold in china as underwear or sleepwear, i wear them as i would any singlet top. as normal clothes.

next up a wallet that would have cost between 5-10 yuan (divide by 5 or 6 for aussie $) cos i bought it at a kind of 2 yuan style accessories stall at Bei Hang market (just down the road from the uni. i would hike there in my heels at least 2 times every day in the last few months of the trip! i believe i was unhealthily addicted to shopping, even window shopping by that stage)

and then came the dilemma of trying to find trackkie pants in china where they seemed to not exist! eventually found some at Tai Yuan Jie (the underground shopping plaza) which where black and fluero green or fleuro orange and hence not so attractive, but they where hello kitty and the only thing i'd seen even slightly trackkie pants-ish so i was considering them. then louise, smart little girl that she is, told me to ask if they had any different colours...and lo and behold ta daaa! black and hot pink! yay. cute.

haha. i have a story about these pants too. i remember very clearly one afternoon in the nice warm weather at the end of summer when i was happily running out of the dorm building just as one of the older but friendly russian guys was going in. ivan. and he called out some sort of greeting 'hello kitty' in an almost wolf-whistle manner and i was just like 'hey, he has pretty good eyesight... the hello kitty logo is fairly small and we passed eachother pretty quickly!'

and then slowly it dawned on me like a splash of cold water. oh. he was staring at my arse.
first thought was felt very stupid haha. second thought was eew. ivan was meant to be more like a helpful big brother figure! but he turned out to be a little bit odd and a pervert on other occasions anyway. he took great delight in commenting several times on how windy a particular afternoon was as i was leaving the dorm courtyard to go for a date with leo. i was having great fun rather unsuccessfully trying to hold down my dress' skirt down, similar to the battles of our old eltham college dresses actually. but then again, apart from the embarrassment factor, perhaps it was ok, because it made me more aware of the situation for the trip to the restaurant where i had to walk past a construction site full of workers. i think perhaps it was more fortunate that it was ivan, rather than the workers. and then there's the time he was trying to crack onto me in my final 3 days of life in shenyang and i was like 'um..excuse me! my bf just went home yesterday!!' and his reply was something stupid and cocky like 'i know haha, that's why im trying now'. grrrr. silly ivan.

on a similar topic to the above stories i shall merely mention that they have lots of cute hello kitty undies at Bei Hang, and so u can imagine the cuteness.

an unexpectedly awesome and good taste birthday present from Miracle!

that boy just keeps going up in my good books. i think he even picked it himself, from what jess said, im not sure if she was even there when he got it. so yes, i was and am impressed!

and of course, the most wonderful of all hello kitty items.... hello kitty herself!! with love from leo *hearts*

yay, it was my early chrissy present! cos he found out form his exam timetable that he was going to have an exam on christmas day (which was a monday i think, cos i taught at the kinder that day) and so when he came to see me the night that he found out he brought me a hello kitty as an early present to make up for his possible christmas absence. but in the end we got together and had a roast chicken and potato salad christmas dinner anyway. haha. it was nice.

and another surprise present he brought to me at a later date after he had confirmed that i was quite quite quite fond of hello ktity things was this cute little stained glass keyring. i havent actually got anything really suitable to put it on yet, so i just enjoy it as a keyring haha.

hmmm. that seems to be the end of my hello kitty merchandise... odd, i could have sworn there was more, but i cant seem to find it, so i guess we shall end the post. it's probably enough anyway. and yes. i need to finally get down to my paper!
due dates are looming!!!!!!