Wednesday, February 14, 2007

14th Feb. *kiss kiss*

although the day is almost over, I couldn't help myself restarting a blog online diary thing.

'huh?' u say, 'what day is it?' of course it's Valentine's day! that's right, the day where lots of people try to pretend that they dont care if they dont get a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers - cos it's all just a big commercial thing, right? ...right? lol

haha, who cares if its commercial or not, in the tradition of all the Valentine's days up until now i spent the whole day, and evening too, with my friends.
'ah....' u say, think u understand now hey? so im single, right? oh no. i have a very gorgeous boyfriend actually. he's sweet and perfect in everyway! yay!

but yes, due to slight geographic-related circumstances we spent the day physically apart, but as always together in our hearts. awww!

for all who care, i am back in Aust. after a year in north-east China, Liaoning's capital Shenyang, and i am wonderfully in love with my 'shuai ge' Leo.

yay leo!
this one's for u !

*kiss kiss*


Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's day~!!!
I am the first one , yeah~~

Anonymous said...

You write very well.