Phillip Island girls.
Following my day-trip to the zoo, Vicki Cathy and myself jumped in Cathy's car and headed down to the beach. back to Phillip Island again. ^_^ but this time it was a house just of girls!
we spent a severe amount of each day simply chatting, preparing and eating meals, listening to cathy's ipod music, sitting or braving the water at the beach, or in vicki and my case camera-whoring with self shots!

i wont subject you to the whole collection, so you'll just have to trust me there are some both glamourous and hideous pictures among them! however mum should be happy that her latest decorating addition to the walls of our beach house have featured in this next one.

basically it was a nice fun trip away from the city, slightly woman's weekly themed at times it seemed, (we seemed to be like a group of wives preparing the salads at a bbq, haha), complete of course with cathy's culinary expertise!!
may i present cathy, a la chef!

she made a big tiramisu and a mini one, the coffee flavour wasn't too overpowering so i especially liked it!

mmmm. quiche - i love it!! so so good!!!

dessert time! we get to eat the tiramisu at last!!
we, or perhaps i, decided that it was well and truly time for my roots to be re-done. seeing as it's April, the 4th month of the year now...and i probably died it last in november or early december im guessing... that's about 5 months. my god. no wonder i had like 5-6cm of re-growth!
so...... hair dying time.

waiting for it all to take effect.
and then EXCITEMENT! the final result!

not only do i no longer have dark roots but i appear to have a glowing halo surrounding my part line, or part circle. always knew i was an angel!
ooh! and cathy and vicki got subjected to their very first korean movie! 'windstruck'. i like it, it's cute, and makes u appreciate cool little paper windmills and the story behind the pinky promise.

alas. it's back to uni now. i had a speaking test for japanese on monday, which went fairly well i think. it wasn't too nerve racking. i think already having a lot of experience with a second language helps heaps. and then i got back some different schoolwork marks today - overall they're not bad.
ooh! and kate! you'll be interested to know that the odd 'chinese bridge' chinese public speaking contest just got more bizarre! haha. our teacher told us today that we have to do a performance at the end of our speech!! crazy chinese will give people any excuse to slip some karaoke into life. but at the end of a public speech?? haha. preliminaries are at the end of May apparently. me and a few classmates might just end up entering the contest. should be an experience in any case! lol
Ohhh that all sounds like fun :) and i think i have to watch that korean film lol, i love the pinky swear... haha the chinese bridge competition haha sooo you don't have to play some wacky chinese version of bridge - well thats a relief - but instead you have to perform! i think this calls for another version of chinese hokey-pokey - oooo i will have to come and watch you haha,
see you soon, love kate
haha nice post of the PI.
only aaargh i am making shocking faces in those photos. unless that's my usual expression, in which case i am making an even worse one now in horror at my own face. haha.
nice to have a new song on your blog, i approve.
love cathy
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