omg. it's pink!
omg. it's pink - and i want it!!! as i was dis-interestedly flipping through a hairhouse warehouse magazine i chanced upon the exact same type of straightener that i bought almost 2 years ago (and faithfully still use today, so obviously the quality was alright, though the ceramic plates are wearing out a little bit i think ). but this one is PINK! omg! i want!

wah~ why didn't i get that tutoring job the other day?? damnnit i could've had a pink straightener for only giving half a lesson to the girl! damn class time clashes! perhaps i shall cook dinner every thursday and friday night (had to last night) in an effort to contribute to the household chores and in return ask my parents for some money.
i want some new skinny leg jeans so i can break out all my boots, (seeing as im not wearing thermals under my jeans anymore i really do need more than one pair so i can alternate, why didnt i see ahead of time?). but i found a really nice dark grey denim pair in a cheap chinesey shop on swanston the other day and i love them. fit really nicely and look cool. silly things are $35 though. yes, that's right! im a big spender! $20 straighteners and $35 jeans. woo!
but yes, perhaps i can negotiate some sort of allowance from my parents - cos there's no way they will voluntarily fund me buying more things after china. :-( oh, but back to the pink straightener (im so like a little kid at xmas! lol) . i want!
i'm not exactly sure when it happened, cos as a child my mum always dressed me in pink (hot pink trackie pants, pale pink puffy sleeved dresses, hot pink stripey jumpers, pale pink skirts etc), so i developed a natural distaste for the colour pink.
but sometime in recent years i discovered myself quite liking certain shades of pink clothes, and various pink little trinkets, and now i find myself absolutely in love with everything pink - usually just for the ridiculous fact that it is pink!
example #1: pink kitchenware and appliances.

i saw a box of pink saucepans for sale at the KMART in Eastland about 3 weeks ago. somehow my mother wasn't at all convinced that they were necessary, but i fell in love! *sigh* can you think of anything more obscurely useless to me?

but yes, it's all very well to deck out my kitchen in this wonderful shade of girlyness, but what a deterrent for guys or pink-haters to enter my kitchen! perhaps not such a valuable buy afterall, but nevertheless...i still want!

(lol this entry is so going to turn out to be a weird version of an online xmas list of all the random things i've ever considered having).
example #2: computer, phone + electronic accessories etc.
these things basically speak for themselves. they're useful AND they're pink! want!

example #3: other random assortment of stuff that's pink and cool.

yes, im already guilty!! what follows are some example of things i have bought, purely because they were pink, rather than for their usefulness.
example #1: pink ice-skates.

example #2: pink discman.

example #3: pink coat

example #4: pink formal dress

but i know the obsession with pink things has gone too far when i admit that i actually really really want a pair of pink gumboots too...

.... oh why isnt it christmas??
... what's pink that you want?