Monday, April 28, 2008

long long ago i used to write blogs...

Oh wow, it seems like forever since i put an entry up one here... and well, i guess it has been a while. excuses? well, i've been getting into facebook alittle bit im ashamed to say. but more than that i use a chinese version of facebook which connects all the chinese students in unis together...and i got some tutoring with a sweet korean girl named katie, and i've been doing bible studies with the koreans, and what with weekly reading preparation for class each week, 2 class presentations and a stack of assignments, i guess for once i've been kept running off my feet, super busy! i've been trying to meet up for a sushi lunch with xinwen since about week 2 or 3 and i still havnt managed to fit that into my schedule yet, so yeh, i guess for once i really am kind of busy it seems!

another major thing that's happened recently is my beautiful dear nanna has passed away, and well, that all came as a shock and of course took some getting used to, (i wont go into details cos the internet is not the place for it, but she's left lots of beautiful memories with us of her crazy antics, active and self-less life, and i know she'll be doing fine now too), and so put together with schoolwork/ assignments/ tutoring/ general life etc its been a lot on my plate.

if people have read the previous blog entry they're probably wondering what ever came of the korean adventure. well, happily (and kind of scarily!) it's coming true. on 14th may im skipping 2 weeks of uni to go to korea and (hopefully having done some training first!!) take part modelling in a big fashion show! airfare and accomodation expenses paid for. so ridiculous! so crazy! and so so so unbelievable. i believe it's a miracle because well, how else do such things happen?

so yes, if u've noticed the profile pics on my facebook and msn seem to have changed to riduclously posed pictures like the one below, u now know its in relation to that.

people who wanna check out the uni agency website (in korean) can do so here:

the fourth option from the left across the top in the menu is the tab to click if u wanna see random other students portfolio pictures. or u can try here. there's girls and guys but so far ive only had a look at the girls.
and i saw enough to be a) completely freaked out by how chronically underweight half the girls are if they werent making up or exaggerating the truth of the height/weight measurements and b) entirely freaked out by how pretty everyone is and the fact that im expected to be on a level with them. oh dear!! and worse linda sent them wrong info about my measurements cos instead of asking me she just wrote what she thought!!! so if i suck in my tummy with everything i've got, im still 1 inch too big! and my bust, well lets hope nothing's meant to be fitted (i.e. strapless evening gown style) cos she over estimated that but 1 inch too!

guess my saving grace is that i have blonde hair and so hopefully that's all anyone will see when they look at me! anyway..looking on the bright side. (putting aside that fact that im already likely to be shorter, fatter, and more common than everyone else), if i trip over on the runway or manage to make a total embarrassment of myself in some other way, at least it'd all be part of a life memorable experience! actually, that hasnt come out sounding right but i think u can get the idea. the experience of trying this is all really cool and unexpected so even if things go drastically wrong, it should still be amazing. anyway what do i have to lose? the majority of people there will never see me again so... ^_^

final note before signing off and letting this blog run dry again for a while. i've just changed the music again. yay u scream! u've probably all been driven mad by the last song, sorry!

this new one is a korean song, to fit with the korean excitement, by a korean girl BoA, who actually mostly sings in japanese cos she's into their music industry, but i kind of like the korean versions better sometimes i think. i dont know, slightly different feeling

called 'everlasting', and the reason i picked it is cos we listened to it in my japanese pop culture lecture today (but the jap version of course) and i think it's beautiful. but im torn between whether i should put the slow version up or the slightly faster one...hmm...which shall i decide??

Friday, April 04, 2008

an unexpected turn.

imagine you won the lottery... what would you do with it? do you seriously know? maybe not, 'cause lets face it, it's just one of those things that's not going to happen.

okay, let's take a step about winning any competition? like a free holiday, or a car or something? again, in reality it's one of those things that's so unlikely. lucky things always seems to happen to someone else don't they....

but guess what! i've got a lucky thing happening to me!! so lucky, and so crazy and so unexpected!! im still in shock but getting excited.

what?! what?! i know. suspense is great isnt it!

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im going to korea for 2 weeks - in may!!

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for free!!

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to model in a fashion show!!

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clothes designed by an international designer!

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again, i shall remind you - for free!!

it is so amazing, and it is all thanks to beautiful linda. she met this professor from the modelling faculty of a Korean university, and he's been setting up a hair and beauty college in melbourne and so through him linda somehow managed to convince him to send 3 of us to korea (where we will meet up with and be joined by Kyla!) and we're gonna take part in their faculty's big fashion show which is apparently designed by Andre Kim, (i have know idea who he is, but apparently he's a well-known korean designer). he has a wikipedia page it seems, so im about to read it. lol.

i guess you can say we're acting as a promotion for the school in melbourne, as representatives of melbourne, 3 of us being melbournians (and the other 2 korean who have lived in melb ^_^!)

our airfares will be taken care of and we get free accomodation at the uni (sounds dodgy but linda thinks its quite good. probably like for teachers or sth). it's for 2 weeks, and the fashion shows are over 2 days towards the end of the trip. best of all we get time to ourselves to visit seoul, shopping and meet up with friends.

it really sounds like a dream. hence im expecting some horrible disaster to fall down on our plans! but yeah for now it sounds amazing, so i guess i just have to wait and see what happens!! korea! how very cool!

and even better... i just starting thinking ...korea....means...bibimbap!!

and other yummy food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



just checked out the portfolio on his website and i hope i get to wear something like this!!!

haha. kidding. nah, im expecting something much more strange 'potato sack-like', that's my idea of what runway designs are usually like!

this appears to be another of his works. and for the record i swear the girl in the middle is russian. dont ask how i know. im just sure of it. lol

seems he does a lot in evening gowns and wedding collections. but i already know there's no way we'd get to touch that.

this is gorgeous! beautiful colour!

it shall be excitement if it really all happens!