Thursday, February 22, 2007

Leo's birthday

today was Leo's birthday, 22/2, he's 21 today! *kiss*

i spent the day at melbourne uni, signing up for different club groups, it was alright, if we ignore the hot weather.

21, my Leo, so here's 21 special kisses for u!

junjun wo mei tian yi zhi zai xiang ni!

sheng ri kuai le junjun!

Monday, February 19, 2007

chinese new year

ahah. the camera usb-cable thieving mystery has now been solved (turns out i falsely accused andy of stealing it, but in the end it turned out to be dad, who knew of my plight right from the start!) and the good news is i can now update, cos u cant read a post without photos! especially not a chinese new year post!

so yes, now i am going to pretend that today is still the chinese new year weekend, and hence lie about the date of this post ;-)

*gong xi fa cai!!* happy chinese new year!
yay! haha. it is now officially the 'year of the pig'! perfect. i dont need to clean my room for a whole year! actually, it means it's time for some cute pig pictures. yay!

as everyone should already know Chinese new year runs by the lunar calendar, and this year New Year's Eve fell on a Saturday, the 17th Feb, so, as every good chinese housewife does, i was busy making jiaozi!
(or dumplings, for u non-chinese people). and yes, i do think im chinese. i'm certainly not russian!

I went to bed at a normal time, but for some the new year was met and many firecrackers were set off across the night in China! *excitement*

Sunday morning a group of ex-ELTHAM girls made their way into the city to chinatown on Melbourne's little bourke street. it was pretty cool, almost like being in China that i mean there were lots and lots of people there! 'ren shan ren hai' both seas and mountains of people! it all added to the heat of the day - it was very hot!

but despite the heat it was fun anyway, we pushed our way through the crowds and chased a lion dancing lion. the lions were lively, there were six or seven, and five even climbed up bamboo poles - quite a feat!

after meandering through some more crowds we took a rest, as the lion was also pausing for a minute, and a nice chinese lady told Vicki to pat a lion's bum for good luck, so she did!
(note: she patted the lion's bum not the people underneath its! lol.they only wish she patted theirs!)

it soon became too hot to tolerate any more, so we fled for some lunch, and then decided to check out Cathy and Renee's parkville apartments. alas, both we didnt make it into either, as Cathy didnt have her key and Renee's house despite being near the zoo, was too hard to find! but we did have quite a journey getting there!

we took trams, sweating and feeling hot and tired, and we trekked along the rail road with the sun beating down on us and not a drop of water in sight!

we took more trams from deserted tram stops in the middle of no-where and rode those trams to the end of the line without getting off (something i've always wanted to do!) and then rode the same one back into the city, safe and not-lost at last! it was an eventful afternoon doing nothing!

after that a few of us went to richmond to vicki's house and then browsed IKEA looking for things for Cathy's apartment. we bought some hair dye and vicki drove to my house where the hair-dying and chinese new year banquet preparations began.

it turns out that Cathy is really a super-hero!! or maybe she just likes dress-ups...

we made some more dumplings, accompanied with egg and tomato (which wasn't very good! :( alas!) and we discovered that Vicki has another (this time not so useless) talent!
hair-dying! she looks quite the professional!

dinner preparation was complete, Leo's tea was in the teapot, and the banquet began! here's mum and dad with Vicki and Cathy and her newly golden hair still wet. wah!

and so concludes the 2007 spring festival day for this small group of girls.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

the lunchtime a

hey, i didnt really write much yesterday about the events of the day, so, seeing as i've nothing interesting to write about today, i may as well talk about yesterday. (oh what a boring life!)

yesterday i headed over to Cathy's house, and we had a baking afternoon. or more accurately, Cathy had a baking afternoon (chocolate cake and plum friands ) and i sat around talking non-stop to anyone who ventured close enough.

in the early evening Jason and Sarah arrived and we packed a picnic supper and headed into the city to meet Vicki. met up with her at the melbourne arts centre, and then we walked across to the sydney myer music bowl to watch the Melb Symphony Orchestra give a free concert. it was a really good night. the atmosphere was nice, there were no mosquitos, and the music was beautiful.

wow, i'd forgotten how beautiful melbourne is. there are so many gardens, trees and just green everywhere (despite the lack of rain)! it's really so beautiful. i can't believe i'd forgotten!

Chinese cities have their own charm, it's just not usually a 'luscious green garden' related one. but i definitely like it regardless. *sigh* i guess it's both good and bad to be home...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

14th Feb. *kiss kiss*

although the day is almost over, I couldn't help myself restarting a blog online diary thing.

'huh?' u say, 'what day is it?' of course it's Valentine's day! that's right, the day where lots of people try to pretend that they dont care if they dont get a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers - cos it's all just a big commercial thing, right? ...right? lol

haha, who cares if its commercial or not, in the tradition of all the Valentine's days up until now i spent the whole day, and evening too, with my friends.
'ah....' u say, think u understand now hey? so im single, right? oh no. i have a very gorgeous boyfriend actually. he's sweet and perfect in everyway! yay!

but yes, due to slight geographic-related circumstances we spent the day physically apart, but as always together in our hearts. awww!

for all who care, i am back in Aust. after a year in north-east China, Liaoning's capital Shenyang, and i am wonderfully in love with my 'shuai ge' Leo.

yay leo!
this one's for u !

*kiss kiss*