this was another one from the same day obviously. ohh btw how cool are the earrings, i never wear big long chandellier earrings but these ones were from betty in yr 12 and they are really gorgeous. i should wear them more i think.

just a random blog about nothing, much the same as everyone else's.
this was another one from the same day obviously. ohh btw how cool are the earrings, i never wear big long chandellier earrings but these ones were from betty in yr 12 and they are really gorgeous. i should wear them more i think.
Yellow Earth
did my japanese exam today, was annoyed at the end of it when i discovered that the word i couldnt work out what it means is apparently derived from a german word meaning to work or work part time. i could not for the life of me work out what english word 'arubaito' was meant to sound like. and that's because it was damned german. grrrr.
other matters. this is my final assessment piece for the semester. yay. i thought i may as well post it, to try and make myself look cool. kidding! u may if u wish put this through google translate, but i doubt much of it will make sense, and the double meanings of some words could make some interesting interpretations, hopefully sexual mistranslations, for more fun in the reading, haha. no, i doubt it. i dont think i wrote anything sexual.
though i do remember back in yr 10 perhaps when mrs. tropp made a comment that loren had written the wrong word for 'exciting', resulting in writing something along the lines of 'doing something-a-rather was very sexually exciting'. for over a year i avoided writing the word 'exciting' cos i didnt know which one i should choose! haha. i do know it know though, haha. both in fact. mwahaha, perhaps one day i shall pretend to mistakenly say it in a class discussion just to watch the teachers reaction. actually that sounds like a very interesting idea. haha.
but behold, my 1000+ word essay.
我最喜欢的一部第五代导演拍的中国电影 :
简单得说我喜欢这部电影因为觉得很感动。本片生动描绘像真人,逼真性强。依我看来《黄土地》的经典悲剧故事打动人心,促使怜悯的感情,特别对女儿翠巧怜惜。观众能感觉到翠巧的痛苦, 怜悯那边的贫困和农村人辛苦的劳动。本片讲农村人的事,他们刚开始听到将来的时候需要离开传统和悠久的习惯。故事抒发中国农村人的困难。
可是光有感动故事的话,电影成功不一定保证了。电影的成功决定于很多事, 比如拍摄技术, 演员的演习,电影语言,等等。《黄土地》是各种各样成功电影技术的结合。在中国影坛上《黄土地》是第一部电影片使用种种西方电影语言方式都放在一起,而且保持中国的特点。结果是美妙极了。
《黄土地》这部电影传统和文化性丰富不得了。虽然这部电影比中国过去拍的电影完全不一样,但是我认为西方观众看的时候不会弄错是在哪里拍的,因为明显得是中国的。陈凯歌用过国外拍电影的方法和中国文化的味道放在一起。他创作了一部独一无二的电影。观众能看给农村人介绍共产主义的情况 ,而且看他们是怎么收到的。
电影的主题注意共产主义的出现和传统的离别。此外,提问哪种生活是最好的,可是电影不一定说共产主义是最理想的。本片让观众瞥见一个在中国共产主义革命之前和之中私人的故事。《黄土地》认真得注意压迫妇女。 翠巧的人物象征每一个农村女孩儿的情况。《黄土地》明确的批评社会传统的一种规矩,那就是包办婚姻。外国人和年轻人都会对这种情况 感觉到很恐怖。我万万不能接受!在这部分翠巧的歌很重要。她的歌声和歌词都表达情感。
《黄土地》不但是第五代导演陈凯歌拍的第一部电影,而且有张艺谋当摄影者。电影发生在陕西省的一个广袤苍凉的大陆上,拍摄技术显示了不起一望无尽的风景。他用了很多阴影, 特别在翠巧的家里面。她的爸爸总是被阴影环绕。这就是一个范例象征性。对我来说这些阴影代表他的性格,他对家人的独裁性。同时他被监禁了社会的规矩。还有我觉得翠巧天天劳苦的走到黄河取水象征压迫妇女。
陈凯歌的《黄土地》是一部栩栩如生的电影。我喜欢本片因为电影的人物像真人, 所以跟他们能找联系。翠巧悲惨情况,斗争挣脱,和最终死亡我觉得很感动。这是一个非常感人的电影片。
施氏食狮史 (Historical record of Mr Shi eating lions).
石室诗士施氏, 嗜狮, 誓食十狮。
Shíshì shīshì Shī Shì, shì shī, shì shí 10 shī.
Shì shíshí shì shì shì shī.
十时, 适十狮适市。
10 shí, shì 10 shī shì shì.
是时, 适施氏适市。
Shì shí, shì Shī Shì shì shì.
氏视是十狮, 恃矢势, 使是十狮逝世。
Shì shì shì 10 shī, shì shì shì, shī shì 10 shī shìshì.
氏拾是十狮尸, 适石室。
Shì shí shì 10 shī shī, shì shíshì.
石室湿, 氏使侍拭石室。
Shíshì shī, Shì shǐ shì shì shíshì.
石室拭, 氏始试食是十狮。
Shíshì shì, Shì shí shì shí shì 10 shī.
食时, 始识是十狮, 实十石狮尸。
Shí shí, shǐ shì shì 10 shī, shí 10 shī shī.
Shì shì shì shì.